
- Titel: Simply… / ANDREW SISTERS. Amsterdam, Morey, Dichter/Text -- Andrews, Patty, Gesang -- Andrews Sisters, Ensemble -- Autry, Gene, Komponist -- Baron, Paul, Komponist -- Bartholomew, Dave, Komponist -- Bauduc, Ray, Komponist -- Betti, Henri, Komponist -- Bob Cats, Orchester -- Brandow, Jerry, Komponist -- Brown, Nacio Herb, Komponist -- Cadman, Charles Wakefield, Komponist -- Caesar, Irving, Komponist -- Cahn, Sammy, Dichter/Text -- Carol, Caroll, Dichter/Text -- Chaplain, Paul, Dichter/Text -- Chaplin, Saul, Komponist -- Citorello, Paolo, Komponist -- Collins, Dorothy, Gesang -- Courtney, David, Komponist -- Crosby, Bob, Komponist -- Crosby, Bing, Gesang -- Daltrey, Roger, Dichter/Text -- Davenport, Devvy, Komponist -- Davis, Martha, Dichter/Text -- Dee, Sylvia, Dichter/Text -- Domino, Fats, Komponist -- Donizetti, Gaetano, Komponist -- Dorsey, Jimmy, Komponist -- Dubin, Al, Dichter/Text -- Eberhart, Nelle, Dichter/Text -- Edwards, Ralph, Dichter/Text -- Eliscu, Edward, Dichter/Text -- Elmo, Russ, Komponist -- Foley, Red, Komponist -- Fort, Hank, Komponist -- Freed, Arthur, Komponist -- Garland, Joe, Komponist -- Gershwin, George, Komponist -- Gershwin, Ira, Dichter/Text -- Gray, Jerry, Komponist -- Grever, María, Komponist -- Haggart, Bob, Komponist -- Haldeman, Oakley, Komponist -- Hart, Lorenz, Dichter/Text -- Hart, Moss, Dichter/Text -- Haymes, Dick, Gesang -- Jenkins, Gordon, Komponist -- Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra, Orchester -- Kahn, Gus, Dichter/Text -- Kent, Lenny, Komponist -- Lane, Burton, Komponist -- Lawrence, Bill, Komponist -- Lawrence, Jack, Komponist -- Leighton, Herb, Dichter/Text -- Leveen, Raymond, Dichter/Text -- Lippman, Sidney, Komponist -- Loeb, C.C., Komponist -- Loesser, Frank, Komponist -- Lombardo, Guy -- Madriguera, Enric, Komponist -- Martin, Skip, Saxophon -- Matlock, Matty, Komponist -- Matty Matlock Orchestra, Orchester -- McHugh, Jimmy, Komponist -- McKinley, Ray, Gesang -- Meehan, Tony, Komponist -- Meinken, Fred, Komponist -- Mitchell, Sidney D., Dichter/Text -- Moore, Dudley, Komponist -- Morrow, Buddy, Komponist -- Nolan, Bob, Komponist -- Owens, Harry, Komponist -- Plante, Jacques, Dichter/Text -- Pollack, Lew, Komponist -- Porter, Cole, Komponist -- Prima, Louis, Komponist -- Ramos, Miguel, Komponist -- Razaf, Andy, Dichter/Text -- Reisfeld, Bert, Komponist -- Riddle, Nelson, Komponist -- Riley, James Whitcomb, Komponist -- Ringle, Dave, Komponist -- Robledo, Julian, Komponist -- Rodgers, Richard, Komponist -- Rose, Vincent, Komponist -- Saxton, John, Komponist -- Schoen, Vic, Komponist -- Secunda, Sholom, Komponist -- Sivier, Bruce, Dichter/Text -- Steinberg, Samuel, Komponist -- Sullavan, Jeri, Komponist -- Terriss, Dorothy, Dichter/Text -- Troup, Bobby, Komponist -- Vallee, Rudy, Dichter/Text -- Villard, Jean, Komponist -- Wark, Colin, Komponist -- Warren, Harry, Komponist -- Woods, Eddie, Dichter/Text -- Youmans, Vincent, Komponist -- Young, Victor, Komponist
- Person(en): Autry, Gene [Komposition] ; Baron, Paul [Komposition] ; Bartholomew, Dave [Komposition] ; Bauduc, Ray [Komposition] ; Betti, Henri [Komposition] ; Brandow, Jerry [Komposition] ; Brown, Nacio Herb [Komposition] ; Cadman, Charles Wakefield [Komposition] ; Caesar, Irving [Komposition] ; Chaplin, Saul [Komposition] ; Citorello, Paolo [Komposition] ; Courtney, David [Komposition] ; Crosby, Bob [Komposition] ; Davenport, Devvy [Komposition] ; Domino, Fats [Komposition] ; Donizetti, Gaetano [Komposition] ; Dorsey, Jimmy [Komposition] ; Elmo, Russ [Komposition] ; Foley, Red [Komposition] ; Fort, Hank [Komposition] ; Freed, Arthur [Komposition] ; Garland, Joe [Komposition] ; Gershwin, George [Komposition] ; Gray, Jerry [Komposition] ; Grever, María [Komposition] ; Haggart, Bob [Komposition] ; Haldeman, Oakley [Komposition] ; Jenkins, Gordon [Komposition] ; Kent, Lenny [Komposition] ; Lane, Burton [Komposition] ; Lawrence, Bill [Komposition] ; Lawrence, Jack [Komposition] ; Lippman, Sidney [Komposition] ; Loeb, C.C. [Komposition] ; Loesser, Frank [Komposition] ; Madriguera, Enric [Komposition] ; Matlock, Matty [Komposition] ; McHugh, Jimmy [Komposition] ; Meehan, Tony [Komposition] ; Meinken, Fred [Komposition] ; Moore, Dudley [Komposition] ; Morrow, Buddy [Komposition] ; Nolan, Bob [Komposition] ; Owens, Harry [Komposition] ; Pollack, Lew [Komposition] ; Porter, Cole [Komposition] ; Prima, Louis [Komposition] ; Ramos, Miguel [Komposition] ; Reisfeld, Bert [Komposition] ; Riddle, Nelson [Komposition] ; Riley, James Whitcomb [Komposition] ; Ringle, Dave [Komposition] ; Robledo, Julian [Komposition] ; Rodgers, Richard [Komposition] ; Rose, Vincent [Komposition] ; Saxton, John [Komposition] ; Schoen, Vic [Komposition] ; Secunda, Sholom [Komposition] ; Steinberg, Samuel [Komposition] ; Sullavan, Jeri [Komposition] ; Troup, Bobby [Komposition] ; Villard, Jean [Komposition] ; Wark, Colin [Komposition] ; Warren, Harry [Komposition] ; Youmans, Vincent [Komposition] ; Young, Victor [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Andrews Sisters ; Bob Cats ; Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra ; Matty Matlock Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Jube Pops, 2019
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Jubilee: Begin the Beguine 00:02:45 -- Bei mir bist du schoen 00:03:08 -- It's Easier Said Than Done 00:03:03 -- Coconut Grove: Says My Heart 00:02:46 -- Oh! Mama! 00:02:28 -- Here Comes Santa Claus 00:03:02 -- Ti-Pi-Tin 00:02:40 -- Billy Boy 00:03:13 -- From the Land of the Sky-Blue Water 00:02:29 -- Oooh! - Oh Booom! 00:02:44 -- Hold Tight 00:03:16 -- Aurora 00:02:56 -- The Money Song 00:03:14 -- Yes, My Darling Daughter 00:02:42 -- Short'nin Bread 00:02:49 -- Pagan Love Song 00:02:24 -- Rum and Coca-Cola 00:03:15 -- The Three Bells (Les trois cloches) 00:03:36 -- In the Mood 00:02:49 -- Flying Down to Rio 00:02:32 -- Lying in the hay 00:02:43 -- Daddy 00:02:55 -- Kiss Me, Kate 00:02:38 -- Love Is Such a Cheat 00:02:52 -- Gold Diggers of 1937 00:02:45 -- That Everlovin' Rag 00:02:22 -- Down in the Valley 00:03:02 -- South Rampart Street Parade 00:03:21 -- A Damsel in Distress 00:02:50 -- Joseph! Joseph! 00:02:48 -- Tu-Lip Tulip Time 00:03:12 -- Oh, Faithless Maid 00:02:44 -- The Twelve Days of Christmas 00:03:22 -- Life Begins at College: Why Talk About Love? 00:02:49 -- Down Argentina Way 00:02:48 -- Pross Tschai 00:03:11 -- Little Jitterbug 00:03:02 -- Guys and Dolls: A Bushel And A Peck; Guys and Dolls 00:05:26 -- Gotta Find Somebody to Love 00:02:19 -- Three O'Clock in the Morning 00:02:57 -- Satins and Lace 00:02:38 -- I'm in Love Again 00:03:19 -- Red River Valley 00:03:19 -- Maitre Pierre, "The Windmill Song" 00:03:01 -- Sing, Sing, Sing! 00:02:38 -- Wabash Blues 00:03:17 -- Linger Awhile 00:02:21 -- No Deposit No Return 00:02:57 -- Higher and Higher 00:03:23 -- Too Young 00:02:39 -- Why Worry? 00:02:12 -- Cool Water 00:02:42 -- I Didn't Know the Gun Was Loaded 00:02:48 -- Adios! 00:03:01 -- Adieu 00:03:05 --
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