
- Titel: Unanimous / OWENS JR., Owens. André 3000, , Komponist -- Dease, Michael, Posaune -- Gillespie, Dizzy, Trompete -- McBride, Christian, Kontrabass -- Morgan, Lee, Trompete -- Myrow, Josef, Komponist -- Noble, Ray, Komponist -- Owens Jr., Ulysses, Schlagzeug -- Payton, Nicholas, Trompete -- Sands, Christian, Komponist -- Shaw, Jaleel, Alt-Saxophon -- Shorter, Wayne, Sopran-Saxophon
- Person(en): André 3000, [Komposition] ; Myrow, Josef [Komposition] ; Noble, Ray [Komposition] ; Sands, Christian [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Criss Cross Jazz, 2012
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Good and Terrible / Sands, Christian 00:10:37 -- Con Alma / Sands, Christian 00:09:35 -- E.S.P. / Sands, Christian 00:07:55 -- Prototype / Sands, Christian 00:08:25 -- Party Time / Sands, Christian 00:08:52 -- Beardom X / Sands, Christian 00:08:53 -- Three Little Girls in Blue / Sands, Christian 00:02:50 -- Cherokee / Sands, Christian 00:06:01 -- Cute and Sixy / Sands, Christian 00:06:32 --
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