Weill Times - A Black Tango

- Titel: Weill Times - A Black Tango / KURT AND THE SOPHISTICATED LADY. Anderson, Maxwell, Dichter/Text -- Brecht, Bertolt, Dichter/Text -- Cocteau, Jean, Dichter/Text -- Fernay, Roger, Dichter/Text -- Hauptmann, Elisabeth, Dichter/Text -- Kurt and the Sophisticated Lady, Ensemble -- Magre, Maurice, Dichter/Text -- Nash, Ogden, Dichter/Text -- Perelman, S.J., Dichter/Text -- Weill, Kurt, Komponist
- Person(en): Weill, Kurt [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Kurt and the Sophisticated Lady
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: homerecords.be, 2018
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Die Dreigroschenoper (The Threepenny Opera) / Weill, Kurt 00:03:46 -- Je ne t'aime pas / Weill, Kurt 00:03:59 -- Nannas Lied / Weill, Kurt 00:03:23 -- Die Dreigroschenoper (The Threepenny Opera) / Weill, Kurt 00:04:48 -- Es regnet / Weill, Kurt 00:03:26 -- Marie Galante: Tango Habanera, "Youkali" / Weill, Kurt 00:04:16 -- Lost in the Stars / Weill, Kurt 00:04:33 -- Happy End: Act I: Matrosen-Tango (The Sailors' Tango); Act III: Surabaya Johnny / Weill, Kurt 00:13:40 -- One Touch of Venus / Weill, Kurt 00:04:13 --
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