Tin Drum Stories

- Titel: Tin Drum Stories / WILLERS, Andreas / GRIENER, Michael / NONNENMACHER, Horst. Griener, Michael, Komponist -- Nonnenmacher, Horst, Kontrabass -- Willers, Andreas, Komponist
- Person(en): Griener, Michael [Komposition] ; Willers, Andreas [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Between The Lines, 2000
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Tin Drum Stories: No. 1. Shelter; No. 2. Glass; No. 3. Ahead, Apart; No. 4. Fortuna X / Willers, Andreas; Griener, Michael 00:29:40 -- Piratenlied / Willers, Andreas; Griener, Michael 00:07:08 -- Leinen Los! / Willers, Andreas; Griener, Michael 00:02:43 -- The Bastard Period / Willers, Andreas; Griener, Michael 00:03:38 -- Wasser, Brot, Schuhe / Willers, Andreas; Griener, Michael 00:05:57 -- Reprise: Shelter / Willers, Andreas; Griener, Michael 00:01:37 -- Behind the Fridge / Willers, Andreas; Griener, Michael 00:03:52 --
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