Many Angles of John Letman (The)

- Titel: Many Angles of John Letman (The) / LETMAN, John. Burrell, Kenny, Gitarre -- Feather, Komponist -- Francis, Panama, Schlagzeug -- Juliette, Jacqueline, Komponist -- Lawrence, Jack, Komponist -- Lecuona, Ernesto, Komponist -- Letman, John, Komponist -- Luban, Francia, Komponist -- Morrison, Peck, Kontrabass -- Rainger, Ralph, Komponist -- Smith, Ike, Komponist -- Stillman, Al, Dichter/Text -- Wellstood, Dick, Komponist
- Person(en): Feather [Komposition] ; Juliette, Jacqueline [Komposition] ; Lawrence, Jack [Komposition] ; Lecuona, Ernesto [Komposition] ; Letman, John [Komposition] ; Luban, Francia [Komposition] ; Rainger, Ralph [Komposition] ; Smith, Ike [Komposition] ; Wellstood, Dick [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Bethlehem Records, 2024
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Mabel's Dream / Wellstood, Dick; Letman, John 00:04:32 -- Tina / Wellstood, Dick; Letman, John 00:04:23 -- This Time the Drinks' on Me / Wellstood, Dick; Letman, John 00:02:27 -- The Room Upstairs / Wellstood, Dick; Letman, John 00:03:40 -- Moanin' Low / Wellstood, Dick; Letman, John 00:03:06 -- Violets and Violins / Wellstood, Dick; Letman, John 00:04:19 -- Say Si Si / Wellstood, Dick; Letman, John 00:04:27 -- Sittin' Alone Countin' My Tears / Wellstood, Dick; Letman, John 00:04:19 -- Get Out of My Sight / Wellstood, Dick; Letman, John 00:02:44 --
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