Shelter from the Storm

- Titel: Shelter from the Storm / JUNGR, Barb. Bernstein, Leonard, Komponist -- Bowie, David, Komponist -- Cohen, Leonard, Dichter/Text -- Dylan, Bob, Komponist -- Gabriel, Peter, Komponist -- Hammerstein II, Oscar, Dichter/Text -- Hobgood, Laurence, Komponist -- Mitchell, Joni, Dichter/Text -- Olatuja, Michael, Kontrabass -- Rodgers, Richard, Komponist -- Sondheim, Stephen, Komponist -- Torres, Wilson, Schlagwerk
- Person(en): Bernstein, Leonard [Komposition] ; Bowie, David [Komposition] ; Dylan, Bob [Komposition] ; Gabriel, Peter [Komposition] ; Hobgood, Laurence [Komposition] ; Rodgers, Richard [Komposition] ; Sondheim, Stephen [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Linn Records, 2016
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: South Pacific / Hobgood, Laurence 00:05:35 -- Stars Lazy But Shining / Hobgood, Laurence 00:06:11 -- Shelter from the Storm / Hobgood, Laurence 00:05:23 -- Sisters of Mercy / Hobgood, Laurence 00:05:18 -- Venus Rising / Hobgood, Laurence 00:05:30 -- West Side Story / Hobgood, Laurence 00:04:29 -- Woodstock / Hobgood, Laurence 00:06:10 -- Hymn To Nina / Hobgood, Laurence 00:05:25 -- All Along the Watchtower - In Your Eyes / Hobgood, Laurence 00:06:07 -- Life on Mars - Space Oddity / Hobgood, Laurence 00:05:01 --
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