
- Titel: ALWAYS / FREDDY COLE. Allen, Sanford, Streicher -- Barkan, Todd, Erzähler -- Bergman, Alan, Dichter/Text -- Berlin, Irving, Komponist -- Berrios, Steve, Komponist -- Bloom, Rube, Komponist -- Brown, Al, Viola -- Chestnut, Cyrus, Klavier -- Cole, Lionel, Komponist -- Cole, Freddy, Gesang -- Eubanks, Robin, Posaune -- Folson, Eileen, Violoncello -- Gallop, Sammy, Dichter/Text -- Gates, David, Komponist -- Gordon, Mack, Dichter/Text -- Herron, Joel S., Komponist -- Israel, Yoron, Schlagzeug -- Jackson, Javon, Komponist -- Kerr, William, Flöte -- Kunkel, Russ, Schlagzeug -- Legrand, Michel, Komponist -- Locke, Joe, Vibraphon -- McBroom, Amanda, Dichter/Text -- McIntosh, Tom, Komponist -- Mraz, George, Kontrabass -- Perowsky, Frank, Saxophon -- Pierce, Tim, E-Gitarre -- Rosenberg, Roger, Bariton-Saxophon -- Saint-Marie, Buffy, Komponist -- Scott, Jeff, Horn -- Sinatra, Frank, Gesang -- Stripling, Byron, Trompete -- Sutyak, Gerri, Violoncello -- Terry, Lesa, Violine -- Warren, Harry, Komponist -- Washington Jr., Grover, Komponist -- Wolf, Jack W., Komponist -- Wonder, Stevie, Komponist -- Zagby, Emile, Komponist
- Person(en): Berlin, Irving [Komposition] ; Berrios, Steve [Komposition] ; Bloom, Rube [Komposition] ; Cole, Lionel [Komposition] ; Gates, David [Komposition] ; Herron, Joel S. [Komposition] ; Jackson, Javon [Komposition] ; Legrand, Michel [Komposition] ; McIntosh, Tom [Komposition] ; Saint-Marie, Buffy [Komposition] ; Warren, Harry [Komposition] ; Washington Jr., Grover [Komposition] ; Wolf, Jack W. [Komposition] ; Wonder, Stevie [Komposition] ; Zagby, Emile [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Fantasy, 2024
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Isn't She Lovely 00:04:33 -- Les demoiselles de Rochefort (The Young Girls of Rochefort) 00:04:08 -- The Rose 00:04:38 -- Remember 00:05:57 -- I'm a Fool to Want You 00:05:54 -- If 00:05:40 -- Maybe You'll Be There 00:05:28 -- Until It's Time for You to Go 00:06:09 -- Count to Ten 00:06:06 -- Interlude 00:00:34 -- This Is Always 00:04:46 --
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