Kiss in the Dark (A)

- Titel: Kiss in the Dark (A) / COLE, Alexis. Ball, Ernest R., Komponist -- Block, Daniel, Tenor-Saxophon -- Braham, Phillip, Komponist -- Brennan, Joseph Keirn, Dichter/Text -- Burtnett, Earl, Komponist -- Cooper, John, Mandoline -- Cox, Jimmy, Komponist -- Creamer, Henry, Komponist -- De Sylva, Buddy G., Dichter/Text -- Dubin, Al, Dichter/Text -- Egan, Raymond B., Komponist -- Fischer, Fred, Komponist -- Fisher, Fred, Komponist -- Herbert, Victor, Komponist -- Johnson, Howard, Komponist -- Kahn, Gus, Dichter/Text -- Kern, Jerome, Komponist -- Kerr, Harry D., Dichter/Text -- Layton, Turner, Komponist -- O'Leary, Pat, Kontrabass -- Rubin, Saul, Gitarre -- Stewart, Phil, Schlagzeug -- Whiting, Richard A., Komponist
- Person(en): Ball, Ernest R. [Komposition] ; Braham, Phillip [Komposition] ; Burtnett, Earl [Komposition] ; Cox, Jimmy [Komposition] ; Creamer, Henry [Komposition] ; Egan, Raymond B. [Komposition] ; Fischer, Fred [Komposition] ; Fisher, Fred [Komposition] ; Herbert, Victor [Komposition] ; Johnson, Howard [Komposition] ; Kern, Jerome [Komposition] ; Layton, Turner [Komposition] ; Whiting, Richard A. [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Chesky CD, 2014
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Ain't We Got Fun 00:04:04 -- Sally: Whip-poor-will 00:04:32 -- Do You Ever Think of Me? 00:03:47 -- Limehouse Blues 00:03:47 -- Chicago (That Toddlin' Town) 00:03:16 -- Bimini Bay 00:05:00 -- Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out 00:02:47 -- After You've Gone 00:03:44 -- There's a Broken Heart for Every Light on Broadway 00:04:33 -- Orange Blossoms: A Kiss in the Dark 00:02:36 -- Indian Summer 00:04:10 -- Turn Back the Universe and Give Me Yesterday 00:03:37 -- Let the Rest of the World Go By 00:03:40 -- Till We Meet Again 00:03:54 --
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