10 Ar med Lena Maria

- Titel: 10 Ar med Lena Maria / JOHANSSON-KLINGVALL, Lena Maria. Ackley, Alfred H., Komponist -- Ahnfelt, Oscar, Komponist -- Bennard, George, Komponist -- Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Boberg, Carl Gustaf, Dichter/Text -- Bostrom, Tomas, Komponist -- Bridges, Matthew, Dichter/Text -- Converse, Charles, Komponist -- Crouch, Andrae, Komponist -- Doddridge, Philip, Dichter/Text -- Dykes, John Bacchus, Komponist -- Eklund, Johan Alfred, Dichter/Text -- Elvey, George Job, Komponist -- Evans, Anthony, Komponist -- Gaither, Gloria, Komponist -- Gaither, William J., Komponist -- Gordon, Adoniram, Komponist -- Hawkins, Edwin, Komponist -- Hogstedt, Josef, Dichter/Text -- Howe, Julia Ward, Dichter/Text -- Johansson-Klingvall, Lena Maria, Gesang -- Klingvall, Lena Maria, Dichter/Text -- Malotte, Albert Hay, Komponist -- Miller, Rhea F., Komponist -- Newton, John, Dichter/Text -- Nystrom, Martin, Komponist -- Rimbault, Edward, Komponist -- Sandell-Berg, Lina, Dichter/Text -- Sanden, Joakim, Schlagwerk -- Scriven, Joseph M., Dichter/Text -- Shea, George Beverly, Komponist -- Sorenson, Joel, Komponist -- Studio conductor, -- Studio ensemble, Ensemble -- Studio flutist,, Flöte -- Studio guitarist, Gitarre -- Studio orchestra, Orchester -- Studio pianist, Klavier -- Thring, Godfrey, Dichter/Text -- Venter, J. van de, Dichter/Text -- Weeden, Winfield, Komponist -- Wimber, John, Komponist
- Person(en): Ackley, Alfred H. [Komposition] ; Ahnfelt, Oscar [Komposition] ; Bennard, George [Komposition] ; Bostrom, Tomas [Komposition] ; Converse, Charles [Komposition] ; Crouch, Andrae [Komposition] ; Dykes, John Bacchus [Komposition] ; Elvey, George Job [Komposition] ; Evans, Anthony [Komposition] ; Gaither, Gloria [Komposition] ; Gaither, William J. [Komposition] ; Gordon, Adoniram [Komposition] ; Hawkins, Edwin [Komposition] ; Malotte, Albert Hay [Komposition] ; Miller, Rhea F. [Komposition] ; Nystrom, Martin [Komposition] ; Rimbault, Edward [Komposition] ; Shea, George Beverly [Komposition] ; Sorenson, Joel [Komposition] ; Weeden, Winfield [Komposition] ; Wimber, John [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Studio ensemble ; Studio orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Linx Music, 2004
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Aftonpsalm (arr. A. Wihk) 00:04:58 -- Crown Him With Many Crowns - Helig, helig, helig - As the Deer - Min Gud tillhor aran (arr. A. Wihk) 00:12:32 -- Go Tell It on the Mountain (arr. A. Wihk) 00:04:01 -- Tanyas sang (arr. A. Wihk) 00:04:11 -- Jag alskar dig Jesus (arr. A. Wihk) 00:03:40 -- Mitt liv (arr. A. Wihk) 00:04:18 -- A Brand New Day 00:04:48 -- Never Alone 00:05:23 -- Min Jesus lever (arr. A. Wihk) 00:03:42 -- O store Gud (arr. A. Wihk) 00:04:05 -- Pa en avlagsen hojd (arr. A. Wihk) 00:03:52 -- Allt till Jesus (arr. A. Wihk) 00:04:10 -- Jag vill hellre ha Jesus (arr. L. Jernestrand) 00:03:48 -- Vilken van vi har i Jesus (arr. A. Wihk) 00:05:15 -- Forunderlig nad (arr. A. Wihk) 00:03:46 -- Var varldens ljus 00:04:33 -- Var Herre ar uppstanden (arr. A. Wihk) 00:03:25 -- Jesus Is Sweet 00:04:38 -- You Are My Everything 00:05:10 -- Vem kan forsta (arr. A. Wihk) 00:06:18 -- Battle Hymn of the Republic (arr. A. Wihk) 00:05:00 -- It Is Love 00:06:38 -- Det borjar bli sent (eller Vart ska du ga nar krogen stranger) 00:05:11 -- Oh Happy Day (arr. E. Hawkins) 00:04:00 -- Jesus Belongs in Your Heart (arr. A. Wihk) 00:06:44 -- Blott en dag (arr. A. Wihk) 00:05:18 -- Where You There? (arr. J. Sanden) 00:04:13 -- Fader var (The Lord's Prayer) (arr. A. Wihk) 00:02:52 -- My Tribute 00:02:01 --
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