Louise (1927-1958)

- Titel: Louise (1927-1958) / CHEVALIER, Maurice. Adamson, Harold, Dichter/Text -- Ahlert, Fred, Komponist -- Borel-Clerc, Charles, Komponist -- Bouillon, Jo -- Cariven, Marcel -- Chagnon, Pierre, Komponist -- Chase, Newell, Komponist -- Chevalier, Maurice, Gesang -- Christine, Henri, Komponist -- Connor, Pierre Norman, Dichter/Text -- Coslow, Sam, Dichter/Text -- Donaldson, Walter, Komponist -- Désormière, Roger -- Fain, Sammy, Komponist -- Finston, Nat -- Grey, Clifford, Komponist -- Griselle, Tom -- Hart, Lorenz, Dichter/Text -- Henri, Battaille, Komponist -- Jo Bouillon Orchestra, Orchester -- Joy, Leonard -- Kahal, Irving, Dichter/Text -- Koger, Geo, Dichter/Text -- Lane, Burton, Komponist -- Lantenzberg, Raoul, Dichter/Text -- Leonard Joy Orchestra, Orchester -- Lerner, Alan Jay, Dichter/Text -- Lewis, Al, Dichter/Text -- Loewe, Frederick, Komponist -- MGM Orchestra, Orchester -- Marcel Cariven Orchestra, Orchester -- Meskill, Jack, Dichter/Text -- Moore, Wyatt -- Nat Finston Paramount Orchestra, Orchester -- Paiva, Jararaca, Komponist -- Paiva, Vincente, Komponist -- Pierre Chagnon Orchestra, Orchester -- Previn, André, Komponist -- Richman, Harry, Komponist -- Robin, Leo, Komponist -- Rodgers, Richard, Komponist -- Roger Desormiere Orchestra, Orchester -- Schertzinger, Victor, Komponist -- Scotto, Vincent, Komponist -- Sherman, Al, Komponist -- Stern, Jack, Komponist -- Straus, Oscar, Komponist -- Telly, Vincent, Komponist -- Toche, Raoul, Dichter/Text -- Tom Griselle Orchestra, Orchester -- Turk, Roy, Komponist -- Victor Orchestra, Orchester -- Whiting, Richard A., Komponist -- Willemetz, Albert, Dichter/Text -- Wyatt Moore Orchestra, Orchester -- Yvain, Maurice, Komponist
- Person(en): Ahlert, Fred [Komposition] ; Borel-Clerc, Charles [Komposition] ; Chagnon, Pierre [Komposition] ; Chase, Newell [Komposition] ; Christine, Henri [Komposition] ; Donaldson, Walter [Komposition] ; Fain, Sammy [Komposition] ; Grey, Clifford [Komposition] ; Henri, Battaille [Komposition] ; Lane, Burton [Komposition] ; Loewe, Frederick [Komposition] ; Paiva, Jararaca [Komposition] ; Paiva, Vincente [Komposition] ; Previn, André [Komposition] ; Richman, Harry [Komposition] ; Robin, Leo [Komposition] ; Rodgers, Richard [Komposition] ; Schertzinger, Victor [Komposition] ; Scotto, Vincent [Komposition] ; Sherman, Al [Komposition] ; Stern, Jack [Komposition] ; Straus, Oscar [Komposition] ; Telly, Vincent [Komposition] ; Turk, Roy [Komposition] ; Whiting, Richard A. [Komposition] ; Yvain, Maurice [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Jo Bouillon Orchestra ; Leonard Joy Orchestra ; MGM Orchestra ; Marcel Cariven Orchestra ; Nat Finston Paramount Orchestra ; Pierre Chagnon Orchestra ; Roger Desormiere Orchestra ; Tom Griselle Orchestra ; Victor Orchestra ; Wyatt Moore Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Retrospective, 2024
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Innocents of Paris 00:03:19 -- Quand on est tout seul 00:02:57 -- Dites-moi, ma mere 00:03:07 -- Innocents of Paris 00:02:16 -- Valentine 00:03:32 -- My Love Parade: My Love Parade; Paris, Stay the Same 00:04:50 -- Paramount on Parade: All I Want Is Just One Girl; Sweepin' the Clouds Away 00:05:31 -- The Big Pond: You Brought a New Kind of Love to Me; Livin' In The Sunlight, Lovin' In The Moonlight 00:05:25 -- Playboy of Paris: My Ideal 00:02:40 -- Hello, Beautiful! 00:02:25 -- Walkin' My Baby Back Home 00:02:12 -- Moonlight Saving Time 00:02:38 -- One Hour With You: Oh, that Mitzi! 00:02:25 -- Love Me Tonight 00:02:24 -- Folies Bergere de Paris: Rhythm of the Rain; I Was Lucky; You Took the Words Out of My Mouth 00:10:17 -- Prosper (Yop La Boum) (Sung in French) 00:03:13 -- L'homme du jour 00:03:03 -- Ah! Si Vous Connaisseiz Ma Poule 00:03:20 -- La Choupetta (Mama Eu Quiero) 00:02:52 -- Gigi: Thank Heaven for Little Girls; I Remember It Well; I'm Glad I'm not Young Anymore 00:07:43 --
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