Earl Bostic Plays Flamingo (A Centenary Tribute, His 27 Finest) (1945-1959)

- Titel: Earl Bostic Plays Flamingo (A Centenary Tribute, His 27 Finest) (1945-1959) / BOSTIC, Earl. Anderson, Edward, Komponist -- Baker, Mickey, Gitarre -- Barefield, Eddie, Klarinette -- Barnett, Ted, Tenor-Saxophon -- Bartee, Albert, Schlagzeug -- Bassman, George, Komponist -- Bayard, Jaki, Klavier -- Berlin, Irving, Komponist -- Betts, Keter, Kontrabass -- Boler, Lemon, Trompete -- Bostic, Earl, Komponist -- Brooks, Harry, Komponist -- Brown, George, Komponist -- Brown, Nacio Herb, Komponist -- Burnett, Earl, Komponist -- Byas, Don, Tenor-Saxophon -- Campbell, Wilbur, Tenor-Saxophon -- Casey, Al, Gitarre -- Charles, Teddy, Vibraphon -- Cobb, Jimmy, Schlagzeug -- Cole, Cozy, Schlagzeug -- Coles, Johnny, Trompete -- Coltrane, John, Komponist -- Coots, J. Fred, Komponist -- Delagarde, Mario, Kontrabass -- Diamond, Leo, Komponist -- Erskine, Bill, Schlagzeug -- Evans, Redd, Komponist -- Felder, Ray, Tenor-Saxophon -- Finckel, Eddie, Komponist -- Geibel, Adam, Komponist -- Gershwin, George, Komponist -- Golson, Benny, Komponist -- Gordy, Herb, Kontrabass -- Grant, Harold, Gitarre -- Grimes, Tiny, Gitarre -- Hagen, Earle, Komponist -- Hall, Al, Kontrabass -- Hall, Rene, Gitarre -- Hardee, John, Tenor-Saxophon -- Harris, Benny, Komponist -- Hastings, Count, Tenor-Saxophon -- Hogan, Granville T., Schlagzeug -- Hudson, Will, Komponist -- Isaacs, Ike, Gitarre -- Johnson, Roland, Vibraphon -- Jones, Claude, Trompete -- Jones, Roger, Trompete -- Kenner, Clarence, Gitarre -- King, Vernon, Kontrabass -- Knight, Earl, Klavier -- Marshall, Joe, Schlagzeug -- Miles, Buddy, Komponist -- Mitchell, Blue, Komponist -- Mitchell, Herman, Gitarre -- Mitchell, Joe, Trompete -- Morton, Benry, Trompete -- Nicholson, Eddie, Schlagzeug -- Noble, Ray, Komponist -- O'Laughlin, Stash, Klavier -- Parker, Jones, Klavier -- Porter, Cole, Komponist -- Redd, Gene, Vibraphon -- Rivera, Luis, Klavier -- Romberg, Sigmund, Komponist -- Schubert, Franz, Komponist -- Scott, Tony, Komponist -- Seltzer, Allan, Gitarre -- Shepherd, Shep, Schlagzeug -- Shirley, Jimmy, Gitarre -- Smalls, Cliff, Klavier -- Swan, Einar Aaron, Komponist -- Thomas, Foots, Tenor-Saxophon -- Thomas, Jon, Klavier -- Tucker, George, Kontrabass -- Turrentine, Tommy, Komponist -- Turrentine, Stanley, Tenor-Saxophon -- Vance, Dick, Komponist -- Waller, Fats, Komponist -- Williams, Pinky, Alt-Saxophon -- Wright, Elmon, Trompete -- Wright, Specs, Schlagzeug -- deRose, Peter, Komponist
- Person(en): Anderson, Edward [Komposition] ; Bassman, George [Komposition] ; Berlin, Irving [Komposition] ; Bostic, Earl [Komposition] ; Brooks, Harry [Komposition] ; Brown, George [Komposition] ; Brown, Nacio Herb [Komposition] ; Burnett, Earl [Komposition] ; Coltrane, John [Komposition] ; Coots, J. Fred [Komposition] ; Diamond, Leo [Komposition] ; Evans, Redd [Komposition] ; Finckel, Eddie [Komposition] ; Geibel, Adam [Komposition] ; Gershwin, George [Komposition] ; Golson, Benny [Komposition] ; Hagen, Earle [Komposition] ; Harris, Benny [Komposition] ; Hudson, Will [Komposition] ; Miles, Buddy [Komposition] ; Mitchell, Blue [Komposition] ; Noble, Ray [Komposition] ; Porter, Cole [Komposition] ; Romberg, Sigmund [Komposition] ; Schubert, Franz [Komposition] ; Scott, Tony [Komposition] ; Swan, Einar Aaron [Komposition] ; Turrentine, Tommy [Komposition] ; Vance, Dick [Komposition] ; Waller, Fats [Komposition] ; deRose, Peter [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Retrospective, 2013
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Flamingo / Bostic, Earl 00:02:39 -- Strike up the Band / Bostic, Earl 00:03:16 -- ThE Major and thE Minor / Bostic, Earl 00:02:56 -- That's the Groovy Thing / Bostic, Earl 00:06:00 -- Eight Forty-Five Stomp / Bostic, Earl 00:02:32 -- Going Hollywood / Bostic, Earl 00:02:32 -- Earl Blows a Fuse / Bostic, Earl 00:02:44 -- Schwanengesang, D. 957: No. 4. Standchen (Serenade) (arr. E. Bostic) / Bostic, Earl 00:03:00 -- Seven Steps / Bostic, Earl 00:02:39 -- Don't You Do It / Bostic, Earl 00:02:42 -- Sleep / Bostic, Earl 00:03:11 -- I'm Getting Sentimental Over You / Bostic, Earl 00:02:54 -- Montana Moon / Bostic, Earl 00:02:51 -- The New Moon / Bostic, Earl 00:02:27 -- Moonglow / Bostic, Earl 00:02:39 -- Connie's Hot Chocolates / Bostic, Earl 00:02:25 -- You Go to My Head / Bostic, Earl 00:03:10 -- Cherokee / Bostic, Earl 00:02:59 -- Steam Whistle Jump / Bostic, Earl 00:03:01 -- The very thought of you / Bostic, Earl 00:02:42 -- What, No Pearls? / Bostic, Earl 00:02:45 -- Deep Purple / Bostic, Earl 00:02:26 -- Off Shore / Bostic, Earl 00:02:48 -- Gay Divorce / Bostic, Earl 00:02:39 -- When Your Lover Has Gone / Bostic, Earl 00:02:26 -- Remember / Bostic, Earl 00:02:39 -- Harlem Nocturne / Bostic, Earl 00:02:17 --
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