VINTAGE MUSIC FOR HALLOWE'EN - Haunted House (1924-1962)

- Titel: VINTAGE MUSIC FOR HALLOWE'EN - Haunted House (1924-1962). Adlam, Basil George, Komponist -- Arlen, Harold, Komponist -- Armstrong, Louis, Komponist -- Artie Shaw Orchestra, Orchester -- Belafonte, Harry, Gesang -- Bill Eaton Orchestra, Orchester -- Bloom, Rube, Komponist -- Bobby Hackett Orchestra, Orchester -- Browne, Sam, Gesang -- Burke, Johnny, Dichter/Text -- Busse, Henry, Trompete -- Cab Calloway Orchestra, Orchester -- Calloway, Cab, Komponist -- Capizzi, Leonard L., Komponist -- Carpenter, Richard, Komponist -- Chris Barber Jazz Band, Ensemble -- Coleman, Cy, Komponist -- Crosby, Bing, Gesang -- Crypt-Kickers, The, Ensemble -- De Paul, Gene, Komponist -- Dennis, Denny, Gesang -- Donaldson, Walter, Komponist -- Dorsey, Jimmy, Komponist -- Dorsey, Tommy, Komponist -- Duke Ellington Famous Orchestra, Orchester -- Ellington, Duke, Komponist -- Eric Winstone and His Orchestra, Orchester -- Ewing, Montague, Komponist -- Fox, Roy -- Franklyn Boyd and The Stage-Coachers, Ensemble -- Fred Waring Pennsylvanians, Ensemble -- Gene Krupa Orchestra, Orchester -- Grayson, Carl, Gesang -- Hackett, Bobby, Kornett -- Hawkins, Screamin' Jay, Komponist -- Heath, Ted -- Hirsch, Walter, Dichter/Text -- Hudson, Will, Komponist -- Hylton, Jack, Gesang -- Jack Hylton Orchestra, Orchester -- Jimmie Lunceford Orchestra, Orchester -- Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra, Orchester -- John Kirby Sextet, Ensemble -- Johnson, J.C., Komponist -- Johnson, James Weldon, Komponist -- Johnston, Arthur, Komponist -- Jones, Spike, Schlagwerk -- Kester, Max, Dichter/Text -- Kingston Trio, Ensemble -- Kirkland, Leroy, Komponist -- Koehler, Ted, Dichter/Text -- Krasnow, Hecky -- Krupa, Gene, Schlagzeug -- LaRocca, Nick, Komponist -- Lee, Bert, Komponist -- Leigh, Carolyn, Dichter/Text -- Leroy Kirkland Orchestra, Orchester -- Leslie, Edgar, Komponist -- Lunceford, Jimmie, Dichter/Text -- Mauge Jr., Conrad Eugene, Komponist -- Menzies, Hamish, Dichter/Text -- Mercer, Johnny, Dichter/Text -- Mills, Irving, Dichter/Text -- Morton, Jelly Roll, Komponist -- Mullen, Richard, Komponist -- Mundy, Jimmy, Komponist -- Nelson Riddle Orchestra, Orchester -- New Mayfair Dance Orchestra, Orchester -- Nichols, Red, Kornett -- Noble, Ray, Komponist -- Parish, Mitchell, Komponist -- Patterson, Ottilie, Gesang -- Pickett, Bobby, Komponist -- Ram, Buck, Komponist -- Raye, Don, Dichter/Text -- Red Hot Peppers, Ensemble -- Red Nichols 5 Pennies, Ensemble -- Redman, Don, Komponist -- Rhythmaires, The, Chor -- Riddle, Nelson, Komponist -- Rose, Billy, Dichter/Text -- Roy Fox Orchestra, Orchester -- Salon, Jeanette, Dichter/Text -- Schoen, Vic, Komponist -- Shavers, Charlie, Komponist -- Shaw, Artie, Komponist -- Sinatra, Frank, Gesang -- Slotkin, Herb, Komponist -- Smith, Bessie, Komponist -- Spike Jones City Slickers, Ensemble -- Ted Heath Orchestra, Orchester -- Three Ginx, Ensemble -- Tommy Dorsey Orchestra, Orchester -- Vic Schoen Orchestra, Orchester -- Waring, Fred, Komponist -- Weston, Robert Patrick, Komponist -- Wheat, David Buck, Komponist -- Wiley, Lee, Gesang -- Winstone, Eric, Komponist -- Young, Victor, Komponist
- Person(en): Adlam, Basil George [Komposition] ; Arlen, Harold [Komposition] ; Armstrong, Louis [Komposition] ; Bloom, Rube [Komposition] ; Calloway, Cab [Komposition] ; Capizzi, Leonard L. [Komposition] ; Carpenter, Richard [Komposition] ; Coleman, Cy [Komposition] ; De Paul, Gene [Komposition] ; Donaldson, Walter [Komposition] ; Dorsey, Jimmy [Komposition] ; Dorsey, Tommy [Komposition] ; Ellington, Duke [Komposition] ; Ewing, Montague [Komposition] ; Hawkins, Screamin' Jay [Komposition] ; Hudson, Will [Komposition] ; Johnson, J.C. [Komposition] ; Johnson, James Weldon [Komposition] ; Johnston, Arthur [Komposition] ; Kirkland, Leroy [Komposition] ; LaRocca, Nick [Komposition] ; Lee, Bert [Komposition] ; Leslie, Edgar [Komposition] ; Mauge Jr., Conrad Eugene [Komposition] ; Morton, Jelly Roll [Komposition] ; Mullen, Richard [Komposition] ; Mundy, Jimmy [Komposition] ; Noble, Ray [Komposition] ; Parish, Mitchell [Komposition] ; Pickett, Bobby [Komposition] ; Ram, Buck [Komposition] ; Redman, Don [Komposition] ; Riddle, Nelson [Komposition] ; Schoen, Vic [Komposition] ; Shavers, Charlie [Komposition] ; Shaw, Artie [Komposition] ; Slotkin, Herb [Komposition] ; Smith, Bessie [Komposition] ; Waring, Fred [Komposition] ; Weston, Robert Patrick [Komposition] ; Wheat, David Buck [Komposition] ; Winstone, Eric [Komposition] ; Young, Victor [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Artie Shaw Orchestra ; Bill Eaton Orchestra ; Bobby Hackett Orchestra ; Cab Calloway Orchestra ; Chris Barber Jazz Band ; Crypt-Kickers, The ; Duke Ellington Famous Orchestra ; Eric Winstone and His Orchestra ; Franklyn Boyd and The Stage-Coachers ; Fred Waring Pennsylvanians ; Gene Krupa Orchestra ; Jack Hylton Orchestra ; Jimmie Lunceford Orchestra ; Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra ; John Kirby Sextet ; Kingston Trio ; Leroy Kirkland Orchestra ; Nelson Riddle Orchestra ; New Mayfair Dance Orchestra ; Red Hot Peppers ; Red Nichols 5 Pennies ; Rhythmaires, The ; Roy Fox Orchestra ; Spike Jones City Slickers ; Ted Heath Orchestra ; Three Ginx ; Tommy Dorsey Orchestra ; Vic Schoen Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Retrospective, 2022
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: The Haunted House 00:03:39 -- Haunted House Blues 00:03:28 -- Bogey Wail 00:03:21 -- Boogaboo 00:03:22 -- The Skeleton in the Closet 00:03:05 -- Haunting Blues 00:03:06 -- Mister Ghost Goes to Town 00:03:15 -- The House Is Haunted 00:03:07 -- Dracula 00:02:37 -- Eerie Moan 00:03:08 -- The Ghost of Smoky Joe 00:02:44 -- Nightmare 00:02:49 -- Zoomin' at the Zombie 00:02:38 -- The Headless Horseman 00:03:05 -- Hi, Spook 00:02:55 -- I Put a Spell on You 00:02:24 -- Skeleton Jangle 00:02:46 -- Witchcraft 00:02:52 -- Star Spangled Rhythm 00:02:26 -- With Her Head Tucked Underneath Her Arm 00:02:49 -- Dry Bones 00:02:16 -- Swinging Ghosts 00:02:39 -- The Phantom Pianist 00:02:57 -- Zombie Jamboree 00:03:35 -- Tain't No Sin 00:02:27 -- Monster Mash 00:03:07 --
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