
- Titel: THINGS THAT I USED TO DO / JOE TURNER. Ali, Rashied, Schlagzeug -- Beck, Greg, Gitarre -- Bell, Gary, Gitarre -- Carr, Bruno, Schlagzeug -- Chicha, Friscoe Lou, Komponist -- Clarke, H. Quail, Komponist -- Eckstine, Billy, Komponist -- Gales, Larry, Kontrabass -- Glenn, Lloyd, Komponist -- Handy, William Christopher, Komponist -- Hines, Earl, Komponist -- Jones, Eddie Guitar Slim, Komponist -- King, Saunders, Komponist -- Mahones, Gildo, Komponist -- Mitchell, Blue, Komponist -- Moore, Wild Bill, Tenor-Saxophon -- Turner, Big Joe, Komponist -- Vinson, Eddie "Cleanhead", Komponist
- Person(en): Chicha, Friscoe Lou [Komposition] ; Clarke, H. Quail [Komposition] ; Eckstine, Billy [Komposition] ; Glenn, Lloyd [Komposition] ; Handy, William Christopher [Komposition] ; Hines, Earl [Komposition] ; Jones, Eddie Guitar Slim [Komposition] ; King, Saunders [Komposition] ; Mahones, Gildo [Komposition] ; Mitchell, Blue [Komposition] ; Turner, Big Joe [Komposition] ; Vinson, Eddie "Cleanhead" [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Fantasy, 2024
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: The Things That I Used to Do / Vinson, Eddie "Cleanhead"; Mitchell, Blue; Turner, Big Joe; Mahones, Gildo; Glenn, Lloyd 00:05:27 -- S.K. Blues / Vinson, Eddie "Cleanhead"; Mitchell, Blue; Turner, Big Joe; Mahones, Gildo; Glenn, Lloyd 00:06:22 -- Jelly Jelly Blues / Vinson, Eddie "Cleanhead"; Mitchell, Blue; Turner, Big Joe; Mahones, Gildo; Glenn, Lloyd 00:06:28 -- Hey Little Girl / Vinson, Eddie "Cleanhead"; Mitchell, Blue; Turner, Big Joe; Mahones, Gildo; Glenn, Lloyd 00:04:36 -- Shake It and Break It / Vinson, Eddie "Cleanhead"; Mitchell, Blue; Turner, Big Joe; Mahones, Gildo; Glenn, Lloyd 00:06:15 -- St. Louis Blues (voc) / Vinson, Eddie "Cleanhead"; Mitchell, Blue; Turner, Big Joe; Mahones, Gildo; Glenn, Lloyd 00:05:36 -- Oke-She-Moke-She-Pop / Vinson, Eddie "Cleanhead"; Mitchell, Blue; Turner, Big Joe; Mahones, Gildo; Glenn, Lloyd 00:04:01 -- My Train Rolled Up In Texas / Vinson, Eddie "Cleanhead"; Mitchell, Blue; Turner, Big Joe; Mahones, Gildo; Glenn, Lloyd 00:06:57 --
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