Adrian Rollini (1934-1938)

- Titel: Adrian Rollini (1934-1938) / ADRIAN ROLLINI ORCHESTRA. Adrian Rollini Orchestra, Orchester -- Adrian Rollini Trio, Ensemble -- Adrian Tap Room Gang, Ensemble -- Arnheim, Gus, Komponist -- Beiderbecke, Bix, Komponist -- Berigan, Bunny, Gesang -- Burns, Jeanne, Komponist -- Caesar, Irving, Komponist -- Carmichael, Hoagy, Komponist -- Chase, Newell, Komponist -- Dandridge, Putney, Gesang -- Dixon, Mort, Dichter/Text -- Freed, Arthur, Komponist -- Gershwin, George, Komponist -- Johnson, James Price, Komponist -- Jones, Isham, Komponist -- Kahn, Gus, Dichter/Text -- Lamare, Nappy, Gesang -- Lay, Ward, Kontrabass -- Logan, Ella, Gesang -- Lyman, Abe, Dichter/Text -- Manone, Wingy, Gesang -- McKenzie, Red, Komponist -- Meyers, Billy, Komponist -- Pettis, Jack, Komponist -- Pinkard, Maceo, Komponist -- Poe, Coy, Komponist -- Razaf, Andy, Dichter/Text -- Rollini, Adrian, Bass-Saxophon -- Roly Tap Room Gang, Ensemble -- Schoebel, Elmer, Komponist -- Tobias, Harry, Dichter/Text -- Tomlin, Pinky, Komponist -- Waller, Fats, Komponist -- Warren, Harry, Komponist -- Williams, Johnny, Saxophon -- Worrell, Frankie, Gitarre
- Person(en): Arnheim, Gus [Komposition] ; Beiderbecke, Bix [Komposition] ; Burns, Jeanne [Komposition] ; Caesar, Irving [Komposition] ; Carmichael, Hoagy [Komposition] ; Chase, Newell [Komposition] ; Freed, Arthur [Komposition] ; Gershwin, George [Komposition] ; Johnson, James Price [Komposition] ; Jones, Isham [Komposition] ; McKenzie, Red [Komposition] ; Meyers, Billy [Komposition] ; Pettis, Jack [Komposition] ; Pinkard, Maceo [Komposition] ; Poe, Coy [Komposition] ; Schoebel, Elmer [Komposition] ; Tomlin, Pinky [Komposition] ; Waller, Fats [Komposition] ; Warren, Harry [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Adrian Rollini Orchestra ; Adrian Rollini Trio ; Adrian Tap Room Gang ; Roly Tap Room Gang
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Retrieval, 2004
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: It Had to Be You 00:03:05 -- Sugar 00:02:54 -- Davenport Blues 00:03:11 -- Somebody loves me 00:02:28 -- Lazy River 00:02:49 -- Bouncin' in Rhythm 00:02:48 -- Got a Need for You 00:03:19 -- Weather Man 00:03:26 -- Nagasaki 00:02:29 -- Honeysuckle Rose 00:02:38 -- Jazz O' Jazz 00:03:04 -- Honeysuckle Rose 00:03:12 -- Tap Room Swing 00:03:15 -- Tap Room Swing 00:02:41 -- Swing Low 00:03:05 -- Stuff, Etc. 00:02:26 -- Lessons in Love 00:02:25 -- Vibrollini 00:02:48 -- Driftin' 00:02:57 -- Rebound 00:02:22 -- Jitters 00:02:37 -- Bugle Call Rag 00:02:53 -- I Cried for You 00:02:49 -- Trouble With Me Is You 00:02:31 -- Runnin' Wild 00:02:31 --
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