I Love You, Yes I Do

- Titel: I Love You, Yes I Do / MORRISON, Barbara. Ager, Milton, Komponist -- Bricusse, Leslie, Komponist -- Cahn, Sammy, Dichter/Text -- Caston, Leonard, Komponist -- Chaplin, Saul, Komponist -- Cocker, Joe, Gesang -- Davis, Billy, Komponist -- Elster, Stuart, Klavier -- Feather, Jane, Komponist -- Feather, Leonard, Komponist -- Gimbel, Norman, Dichter/Text -- Glover, Henry, Komponist -- Hart, Lorenz, Dichter/Text -- Heywood, Eddie, Klavier -- Isley, Ernie, Komponist -- Isley, Rudolph, Komponist -- Jasper, Chris, Komponist -- Johnson, Woodrow Buddy, Komponist -- Lennon, John, Komponist -- Marcus, Sol, Komponist -- McCartney, Paul, Komponist -- Morrison, Barbara, Gesang -- Newley, Anthony, Komponist -- Nix, Sally, Komponist -- Person, Houston, Tenor-Saxophon -- Rodgers, Richard, Komponist -- Schwartz, Jean, Komponist -- Seiler, Ed, Komponist -- Simon, Richard, Kontrabass -- Spath, Lee, Schlagzeug -- Stainton, Chris, Komponist -- Wever, Ned, Komponist -- Wood, Guy B., Komponist
- Person(en): Ager, Milton [Komposition] ; Bricusse, Leslie [Komposition] ; Caston, Leonard [Komposition] ; Chaplin, Saul [Komposition] ; Davis, Billy [Komposition] ; Feather, Jane [Komposition] ; Feather, Leonard [Komposition] ; Glover, Henry [Komposition] ; Isley, Ernie [Komposition] ; Isley, Rudolph [Komposition] ; Jasper, Chris [Komposition] ; Johnson, Woodrow Buddy [Komposition] ; Lennon, John [Komposition] ; Marcus, Sol [Komposition] ; McCartney, Paul [Komposition] ; Newley, Anthony [Komposition] ; Nix, Sally [Komposition] ; Rodgers, Richard [Komposition] ; Schwartz, Jean [Komposition] ; Seiler, Ed [Komposition] ; Stainton, Chris [Komposition] ; Wever, Ned [Komposition] ; Wood, Guy B. [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Savant Records, 2018
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Save Your Love For Me 00:05:05 -- Canadian Sunset 00:06:46 -- I Had a Talk With My Man Last Night 00:04:29 -- Trust In Me 00:05:15 -- Too Many Girls 00:05:36 -- Who Can I Turn To? 00:05:42 -- If It's The Last Thing I Do 00:04:58 -- Black Eyed Blues 00:05:20 -- I Love You, Yes I Do 00:04:21 -- And I Love Him 00:04:10 -- For the Love of You 00:05:27 -- Blow Top Blues 00:03:47 --
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