Best of Tommy Dorsey (The) (1935-1944)

- Titel: Best of Tommy Dorsey (The) (1935-1944) / DORSEY, Tommy. Adair, Tom, Komponist -- Adams, Stanley, Dichter/Text -- Adamson, Harold, Dichter/Text -- Baer, Abel, Komponist -- Bassman, George, Komponist -- Berlin, Irving, Komponist -- Bowman, Brooks, Komponist -- Burke, Joe, Dichter/Text -- Burke, Johnny, Dichter/Text -- Bushkin, Joe, Klavier -- Clinton, Larry, Komponist -- Coates, Eric, Komponist -- Cooke, Leslie, Dichter/Text -- Curtis, Ken, Gesang -- D'Artega, Al, Dichter/Text -- Dawes, Charles, Komponist -- Dennis, Matt, Komponist -- Dorsey, Tommy, Komponist -- Dubin, Al, Dichter/Text -- Edwards, Michael, Komponist -- Eliscu, Edward, Dichter/Text -- Fain, Sammy, Komponist -- Farley, Roland, Komponist -- Fields, Dorothy, Dichter/Text -- Freed, Ralph, Komponist -- Gershwin, George, Komponist -- Grofé, Ferde, Komponist -- Haines, Connie, Gesang -- Hammerstein II, Oscar, Dichter/Text -- Harbach, Otto, Dichter/Text -- Hodgson, Red, Dichter/Text -- Jack Leonard Chorus, Chor -- Kahal, Irving, Dichter/Text -- Kern, Jerome, Komponist -- Krupa, Gene, Schlagzeug -- Lawrence, Jack, Komponist -- Leleiohaku, Komponist -- Leonard, Jack, Gesang -- Lowe, Ruth, Komponist -- Magidson, Herb, Dichter/Text -- Mares, Paul, Komponist -- McHugh, Jimmy, Komponist -- Meyer, George W., Komponist -- Moore, Bill, Komponist -- Morton, Jelly Roll, Komponist -- Noble, Johnny, Komponist -- Oliver, Sy, Komponist -- Openshaw, John, Komponist -- Pied Pipers, Chor -- Rappolo, Leon, Komponist -- Riley, Mike, Komponist -- Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay Andreyevich, Komponist -- Rose, Komponist -- Rose, Billy, Dichter/Text -- Sentimentalists, The, Chor -- Shilkret, Nathaniel, Komponist -- Sinatra, Frank, Gesang -- Smith, Pinetop, Komponist -- Stafford, Jo, Gesang -- Studio band, Ensemble -- Studio chorus, Chor -- Tommy Dorsey Clambake Seven, Ensemble -- Tommy Dorsey Orchestra, Orchester -- Tommy Dorsey Sentimentalists, Ensemble -- Van Eps, John, Komponist -- Van Eps, George, Gitarre -- Van Heusen, Jimmy, Komponist -- Vries, John de, Dichter/Text -- Wright, Edythe, Gesang -- Wrubel, Allie, Komponist -- Youmans, Vincent, Komponist
- Person(en): Adair, Tom [Komposition] ; Baer, Abel [Komposition] ; Bassman, George [Komposition] ; Berlin, Irving [Komposition] ; Bowman, Brooks [Komposition] ; Clinton, Larry [Komposition] ; Coates, Eric [Komposition] ; Dawes, Charles [Komposition] ; Dennis, Matt [Komposition] ; Dorsey, Tommy [Komposition] ; Edwards, Michael [Komposition] ; Fain, Sammy [Komposition] ; Farley, Roland [Komposition] ; Freed, Ralph [Komposition] ; Gershwin, George [Komposition] ; Grofé, Ferde [Komposition] ; Kern, Jerome [Komposition] ; Lawrence, Jack [Komposition] ; Leleiohaku [Komposition] ; Lowe, Ruth [Komposition] ; Mares, Paul [Komposition] ; McHugh, Jimmy [Komposition] ; Meyer, George W. [Komposition] ; Moore, Bill [Komposition] ; Morton, Jelly Roll [Komposition] ; Noble, Johnny [Komposition] ; Oliver, Sy [Komposition] ; Openshaw, John [Komposition] ; Rappolo, Leon [Komposition] ; Riley, Mike [Komposition] ; Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay Andreyevich [Komposition] ; Rose [Komposition] ; Shilkret, Nathaniel [Komposition] ; Smith, Pinetop [Komposition] ; Van Eps, John [Komposition] ; Van Heusen, Jimmy [Komposition] ; Wrubel, Allie [Komposition] ; Youmans, Vincent [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Jack Leonard Chorus ; Pied Pipers ; Sentimentalists, The ; Studio band ; Studio chorus ; Tommy Dorsey Clambake Seven ; Tommy Dorsey Orchestra ; Tommy Dorsey Sentimentalists
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Radiex, 2009
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: I'm Getting Sentimental Over You 00:03:33 -- Sadko: Song of India (arr. T. Dorsey) 00:03:06 -- I'm Getting Sentimental Over You 00:03:08 -- Music, Maestro, Please! 00:02:52 -- Polka Dots and Moonbeams 00:03:17 -- Who? 00:03:04 -- By the Sleepy Lagoon 00:02:53 -- Love Sends A Little Gift of Roses 00:02:50 -- Oh! Look at Me Now 00:03:12 -- The Music Goes 'Round And Around 00:03:20 -- Girl Crazy* 00:03:22 -- Betsy 00:03:15 -- Swingin' on nothin' 00:03:14 -- In the Blue of Evening 00:02:54 -- Melody in A Major (arr. Rose) 00:02:58 -- Stop, Look And Listen 00:05:13 -- Satan Takes a Holiday 00:03:13 -- For You 00:04:37 -- Opus No. 1 00:03:13 -- Boogie Woogie 00:03:08 -- Marie 00:03:17 -- East of the Sun 00:03:18 -- There Are Such Things 00:02:14 -- The International Revue 00:03:23 -- Hawaiian War Chant 00:03:09 -- I'll Be Seeing You 00:03:01 -- Let's Get Away From It All 00:05:02 -- Milenberg Joys 00:05:10 -- Swing Low, Sweet Chariot 00:03:58 -- Once in a While 00:02:38 -- Daybreak 00:03:10 -- Well, Git It 00:02:53 -- Without a Song 00:04:24 -- The Minor Goes Muggin’ 00:02:44 -- Everything Happens To Me 00:03:10 -- Lonesome Road 00:04:50 --
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