
- Titel: HOLLYWOOD PARTY (A). Abravanel, Maurice -- Alter, Louis, Komponist -- Anderson, Maxwell, Dichter/Text -- Andrews Sisters, Ensemble -- Arnaz, Desi, Gesang -- Astaire, Fred, Gesang -- Ball, Lucille, Gesang -- Bendix, William, Gesang -- Berlin, Irving, Komponist -- Blyth, Ann, Gesang -- Bogart, Humphrey, Gesang -- Breen, Bobby, Gesang -- Brodszky, Nicholas, Komponist -- Brown, Nacio Herb, Komponist -- Burke, Johnny, Dichter/Text -- Cahn, Sammy, Dichter/Text -- Caron, Leslie, Gesang -- Carpenter, Carleton, Komponist -- Chaplin, Saul, Komponist -- Coslow, Sam, Dichter/Text -- Crosby, Bing, Gesang -- Dave Rose Orchestra, Orchester -- Davis, Bette, Gesang -- Day, Doris, Gesang -- Desi Arnaz Orchestra, Orchester -- Deutsch, Helen, Komponist -- Deutsch, Adolph -- Dietrich, Marlene, Gesang -- Dietz, Howard, Dichter/Text -- Donovan, Walter, Komponist -- Dubin, Al, Dichter/Text -- Dunne, Irene, Gesang -- Durbin, Deanna, Sopran -- Eddy, Nelson, Gesang -- Edwards, Cliff, Gesang -- Eliscu, Edward, Dichter/Text -- Faith, Percy, Komponist -- Faye, Alice, Gesang -- Ferrer, Mel, Gesang -- Feuer, Cy -- Fields, Arthur, Gesang -- Fields, Dorothy, Dichter/Text -- Fine, Sylvia, Komponist -- Freed, Arthur, Komponist -- Friml, Rudolph, Komponist -- Gardner, Ava, Gesang -- Garland, Judy, Gesang -- Garrett, Betty, Gesang -- Gilbert, Fred, Komponist -- Gilbert, Ray, Komponist -- Grayson, Kathryn, Gesang -- Green, Johnny, Komponist -- Hammerstein II, Oscar, Dichter/Text -- Hanley, James F., Komponist -- Hardwicke, Cedric, Gesang -- Harline, Leigh, Komponist -- Hart, Lorenz, Dichter/Text -- Hollaender, Friedrich, Komponist -- Hope, Bob, Gesang -- Horne, Lena, Gesang -- Hupfeld, Herman, Komponist -- Huston, Walter, Tenor -- Hutchins, Daryl, Komponist -- Hutton, Betty, Gesang -- Jeff Alexander Choir, Chor -- Jimmie Greer Orchestra, Orchester -- Johnson, Van, Gesang -- Kahn, Gus, Dichter/Text -- Kalmar, Bert, Dichter/Text -- Kaper, Bronislaw, Komponist -- Kay Kyser Orchestra, Orchester -- Kaye, Danny, Gesang -- Keel, Howard, Gesang -- Kelly, Gene, Gesang -- Ken Darby Singers, Chor -- Ken Lane Singers, Chor -- Kern, Jerome, Komponist -- King, Charles E., Komponist -- King, Jack, Komponist -- Lahr, Bert, Gesang -- Lamour, Dorothy, Gesang -- Lanchester, Elsa, Gesang -- Lanza, Mario, Tenor -- Laughton, Charles, Gesang -- Lee, Lester, Komponist -- Lenny Herman Orchestra, Orchester -- Leo Reisman Orchestra, Orchester -- Lili'uokalani, Lydia, Komponist -- Lilley, Joe -- Loesser, Frank, Komponist -- MacDonald, Jeanette, Sopran -- Malneck, Matty, Komponist -- Marx, Groucho, Gesang -- Max Terr Chorus, Chor -- McCarthy, Joseph, Dichter/Text -- Merman, Ethel, Gesang -- Miranda, Carmen, Gesang -- Mitchum, Robert, Komponist -- Monaco, James V., Komponist -- Montalban, Ricardo, Gesang -- Mooney, Hal, Komponist -- Morgan, Frank, Alt-Saxophon -- Newman, Alfred, Komponist -- Nicholas Brothers, The, Ensemble -- O'Connor, Donald, Gesang -- Orlando, J.A., Komponist -- Parish, Mitchell, Komponist -- Parker, Dorothy, Komponist -- Porter, Cole, Komponist -- Powell, Dick, Gesang -- Powell, Eleanor, Gesang -- Previn, Charles, Komponist -- Rainger, Ralph, Komponist -- Raye, Martha, Gesang -- Reynolds, Debbie, Gesang -- Roberts, Allan, Dichter/Text -- Robin, Leo, Komponist -- Rodgers, Richard, Komponist -- Rogers, Ginger, Gesang -- Rooney, Mickey, Komponist -- Rosas, Juventino, Komponist -- Ross, Shirley, Gesang -- Ruby, Harry, Komponist -- Ruiz, Gabriel, Komponist -- Russell, Jane, Gesang -- Sack, Albert -- Salt, Waldo, Komponist -- Schoen, Vic, Komponist -- Schwartz, Arthur, Komponist -- Shilkret, Nathaniel, Komponist -- Signorelli, Frank, Komponist -- Sinatra, Ray -- Sommer, Hans, Komponist -- Sonny Burke Orchestra, Orchester -- Sosnik, Harry, Komponist -- Sportsmen, The, Ensemble -- Stept, Sam, Komponist -- Stoll, Georgie -- Studio chorus, Chor -- Studio orchestra, Orchester -- Styne, Jule, Komponist -- Swanstrom, Arthur, Komponist -- Terry, Dave, Gesang -- Tommy Dorsey Orchestra, Orchester -- Van Heusen, Jimmy, Komponist -- Van Phillips Orchestra, Orchester -- Victor Young Orchestra, Orchester -- Warren, Harry, Komponist -- Washington, Ned, Dichter/Text -- Webb, Roy, Komponist -- Webb, Clifton, Gesang -- Webster, Paul Francis, Komponist -- Weill, Kurt, Komponist -- Welles, Orson, Gesang -- West, Mae, Gesang -- Williams, Esther, Gesang -- Wilson, Dooley, Gesang -- Youmans, Vincent, Komponist
- Person(en): Alter, Louis [Komposition] ; Berlin, Irving [Komposition] ; Brodszky, Nicholas [Komposition] ; Brown, Nacio Herb [Komposition] ; Carpenter, Carleton [Komposition] ; Chaplin, Saul [Komposition] ; Deutsch, Helen [Komposition] ; Donovan, Walter [Komposition] ; Faith, Percy [Komposition] ; Fine, Sylvia [Komposition] ; Freed, Arthur [Komposition] ; Friml, Rudolph [Komposition] ; Gilbert, Fred [Komposition] ; Gilbert, Ray [Komposition] ; Green, Johnny [Komposition] ; Hanley, James F. [Komposition] ; Harline, Leigh [Komposition] ; Hollaender, Friedrich [Komposition] ; Hupfeld, Herman [Komposition] ; Hutchins, Daryl [Komposition] ; Kaper, Bronislaw [Komposition] ; Kern, Jerome [Komposition] ; King, Charles E. [Komposition] ; King, Jack [Komposition] ; Lee, Lester [Komposition] ; Lili'uokalani, Lydia [Komposition] ; Loesser, Frank [Komposition] ; Malneck, Matty [Komposition] ; Mitchum, Robert [Komposition] ; Monaco, James V. [Komposition] ; Mooney, Hal [Komposition] ; Newman, Alfred [Komposition] ; Orlando, J.A. [Komposition] ; Parish, Mitchell [Komposition] ; Parker, Dorothy [Komposition] ; Porter, Cole [Komposition] ; Previn, Charles [Komposition] ; Rainger, Ralph [Komposition] ; Robin, Leo [Komposition] ; Rodgers, Richard [Komposition] ; Rooney, Mickey [Komposition] ; Rosas, Juventino [Komposition] ; Ruby, Harry [Komposition] ; Ruiz, Gabriel [Komposition] ; Salt, Waldo [Komposition] ; Schoen, Vic [Komposition] ; Schwartz, Arthur [Komposition] ; Shilkret, Nathaniel [Komposition] ; Signorelli, Frank [Komposition] ; Sommer, Hans [Komposition] ; Sosnik, Harry [Komposition] ; Stept, Sam [Komposition] ; Styne, Jule [Komposition] ; Swanstrom, Arthur [Komposition] ; Van Heusen, Jimmy [Komposition] ; Warren, Harry [Komposition] ; Webb, Roy [Komposition] ; Webster, Paul Francis [Komposition] ; Weill, Kurt [Komposition] ; Youmans, Vincent [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Andrews Sisters ; Dave Rose Orchestra ; Desi Arnaz Orchestra ; Jeff Alexander Choir ; Jimmie Greer Orchestra ; Kay Kyser Orchestra ; Ken Darby Singers ; Ken Lane Singers ; Lenny Herman Orchestra ; Leo Reisman Orchestra ; Max Terr Chorus ; Nicholas Brothers, The ; Sonny Burke Orchestra ; Sportsmen, The ; Studio chorus ; Studio orchestra ; Tommy Dorsey Orchestra ; Van Phillips Orchestra ; Victor Young Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Radiex, 2009
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Singin' in the Rain 00:02:55 -- Rose-Marie 00:03:32 -- Got A Bran' New Suit 00:02:26 -- When you wish upon a star 00:03:04 -- Neptune's Daughter: Baby It's Cold Outside 00:02:07 -- The Loveliest Night of the Year 00:03:22 -- I Wonder, I Wonder, I Wonder 00:02:45 -- How Am I to Know? 00:03:03 -- Garrick Gaieties 00:02:35 -- Babes in Arms 00:02:55 -- Rachel and the Stranger 00:02:45 -- Friendship 00:02:47 -- Cuanto le gusta 00:02:59 -- Show Boat 00:03:25 -- Busy Doing Nothing 00:03:02 -- Stairway to the Stars 00:02:43 -- Gold Diggers of 1935 00:03:10 -- Roberta: I Won't Dance 00:02:59 -- Friendship (from DuBarry Was A Lady) 00:03:02 -- As Time Goes By 00:02:56 -- Aba Daba Honeymoon 00:02:27 -- The Bold Fisherman 00:01:48 -- They're Either Too Young Or Too Old 00:04:50 -- Carnival in Rio 00:02:57 -- Flying Down to Rio 00:02:44 -- Cheek to Cheek 00:03:02 -- September Song 00:02:50 -- Come Up and See Me Sometime 00:02:59 -- Hooray for Captain Spaulding 00:03:07 -- Easter Parade 00:03:17 -- On the Avenue 00:02:31 -- The Moon of Manakoora 00:02:58 -- The Man Who Broke The Bank At Monte Carlo 00:03:07 -- Thumbs Up!: Zing! Went the Strings Of My Heart 00:02:53 -- You Made Me Love You 00:02:08 -- Singin' in the Rain 00:02:26 -- Humphrey Bogart Rhumba 00:02:42 -- Thanks for the Memory 00:03:05 -- Destry Rides Again: The Boys in the Back Room 00:01:59 -- Aloha Oe (arr. F. Kreisler) 00:03:32 -- One Hundred Men and a Girl 00:02:02 -- Hi-Lili, Hi-Lo 00:01:56 -- On the Riviera 00:02:15 -- Boin-n-n-ng 00:02:39 -- It's Magic 00:03:22 -- Red Hot and Blue 00:02:43 -- Neptune's Daughter: Baby It's Cold Outside 00:02:21 -- The Toast of New Orleans 00:03:25 --
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