
- Titel: DEFINITIVE DODDS FEATURING LOUIS ARMSTRONG, GEORGE MITCHELL AND NATTY DOMINIQUE (1926-1927). Armstrong, Lillian Hardin, Komponist -- Armstrong, Louis, Komponist -- Bloome, Marty, Komponist -- Coslow, Sam, Dichter/Text -- Creamer, Henry, Komponist -- Fain, Sammy, Komponist -- Handy, William Christopher, Komponist -- Johnny Dodds' Black Bottom Stompers, Ensemble -- Layton, Turner, Komponist -- Lil's Hot Shots, Ensemble -- Matthews, Artie, Komponist -- Melrose, Walter, Dichter/Text -- Mills, Irving, Dichter/Text -- Morton, Jelly Roll, Komponist -- New Orleans Bootblacks, Ensemble -- New Orleans Wanderers, Ensemble -- Oliver, Joe King, Komponist -- Schoebel, Elmer, Komponist -- Smith, Cal, Komponist -- Spier, Larry, Komponist -- Waller, Fats, Komponist -- Waller, Trent, Komponist
- Person(en): Armstrong, Lillian Hardin [Komposition] ; Armstrong, Louis [Komposition] ; Bloome, Marty [Komposition] ; Creamer, Henry [Komposition] ; Fain, Sammy [Komposition] ; Handy, William Christopher [Komposition] ; Layton, Turner [Komposition] ; Matthews, Artie [Komposition] ; Morton, Jelly Roll [Komposition] ; Oliver, Joe King [Komposition] ; Schoebel, Elmer [Komposition] ; Smith, Cal [Komposition] ; Spier, Larry [Komposition] ; Waller, Fats [Komposition] ; Waller, Trent [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Johnny Dodds' Black Bottom Stompers ; Lil's Hot Shots ; New Orleans Bootblacks ; New Orleans Wanderers
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Retrieval, 2008
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Georgia Bo Bo 00:03:06 -- Drop that Sack 00:02:50 -- Drop that Sack 00:02:50 -- Flötenkonzert Nr. 2 in D-Dur, KV 314: III. Allegro 00:03:10 -- Gate Mouth 00:03:06 -- Too Tight 00:02:58 -- Papa Dip 00:02:54 -- Flötenkonzert Nr. 2 in D-Dur, KV 314 00:03:14 -- I Can't Say 00:03:13 -- Flat Foot 00:03:27 -- Flötenkonzert 00:02:51 -- Weary Blues 00:02:51 -- New Orleans Stomp 00:02:48 -- Wild Man Blues 00:03:06 -- Wild Man Blues 00:03:08 -- Melancholy Blues 00:03:11 -- Melancholy Blues 00:03:26 -- Come On And Stomp, Stomp, Stomp 00:03:00 -- After You've Gone 00:03:12 -- After You've Gone 00:03:16 -- Joe Turner Blues 00:02:46 -- 10 Etüden 00:02:46 --
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