
- Titel: MERRITT BRUNIES AND HIS FRIARS INN ORCHESTRA (1923-1926). Armstrong, Louis, Komponist -- Art Kahn Orchestra, Orchester -- Baker, Phil, Komponist -- Bates, George, Komponist -- Berton, Vic, Komponist -- Biese, Paul, Komponist -- Black, Lou, Komponist -- Bloom, Murray, Komponist -- Brown, Lew, Dichter/Text -- Brunies, Merritt, Komponist -- Bucktown Five, Ensemble -- Burton, Val, Komponist -- Chicago Blues Dance Orchestra, Orchester -- Clarke, Frank, Komponist -- Clarke, Sidney, Komponist -- Coslow, Sam, Dichter/Text -- Davis, Benny, Dichter/Text -- De Faut, Volly, Komponist -- Gardner, Jack, Komponist -- Hamm, Fred, Komponist -- Harris, Harry, Komponist -- Henderson, Ray, Komponist -- Jones, Isham, Komponist -- Kahn, Art, Komponist -- Kahn, Gus, Dichter/Text -- Kassel, Art, Komponist -- Keithley, E. Clinton, Komponist -- King, Lew, Gesang -- Leslie, Edgar, Komponist -- McPhail, Lindsay, Komponist -- Merritt Brunies Friars Inn Orchestra, Orchester -- Meyers, Billy, Komponist -- Midway Dance Orchestra, Orchester -- Mills, Irving, Dichter/Text -- Monaco, James V., Komponist -- Nelson, Arnett, Komponist -- Oliver, Joe King, Komponist -- Original Memphis Melody Boys, Ensemble -- Ragas, Henry, Komponist -- Richmond, Eddie, Komponist -- Rose, Fred, Komponist -- Rothschild, Irvine, Komponist -- Saxbe, Marvin, Komponist -- Schoebel, Elmer, Komponist -- Shields, Larry, Komponist -- Short, Albert, Komponist -- Silver, Abner, Komponist -- Snyder, Frank, Komponist -- Spanier, Muggsy, Kornett -- Spikes, Benjamin, Komponist -- Spikes, John, Komponist -- Stitzel, Mel, Komponist -- Stomp Six, Ensemble -- Straight, Charley, Komponist -- Stur, Rastislav, Komponist -- Warren, Harry, Komponist -- Whiteman, Paul, Komponist -- Williams, Spencer, Komponist -- Woods, Harry M., Komponist
- Person(en): Armstrong, Louis [Komposition] ; Baker, Phil [Komposition] ; Bates, George [Komposition] ; Berton, Vic [Komposition] ; Biese, Paul [Komposition] ; Black, Lou [Komposition] ; Bloom, Murray [Komposition] ; Brunies, Merritt [Komposition] ; Burton, Val [Komposition] ; Clarke, Frank [Komposition] ; Clarke, Sidney [Komposition] ; De Faut, Volly [Komposition] ; Gardner, Jack [Komposition] ; Hamm, Fred [Komposition] ; Harris, Harry [Komposition] ; Henderson, Ray [Komposition] ; Jones, Isham [Komposition] ; Kahn, Art [Komposition] ; Kassel, Art [Komposition] ; Keithley, E. Clinton [Komposition] ; Leslie, Edgar [Komposition] ; McPhail, Lindsay [Komposition] ; Meyers, Billy [Komposition] ; Monaco, James V. [Komposition] ; Nelson, Arnett [Komposition] ; Oliver, Joe King [Komposition] ; Ragas, Henry [Komposition] ; Richmond, Eddie [Komposition] ; Rose, Fred [Komposition] ; Rothschild, Irvine [Komposition] ; Saxbe, Marvin [Komposition] ; Schoebel, Elmer [Komposition] ; Shields, Larry [Komposition] ; Short, Albert [Komposition] ; Silver, Abner [Komposition] ; Snyder, Frank [Komposition] ; Spikes, Benjamin [Komposition] ; Spikes, John [Komposition] ; Stitzel, Mel [Komposition] ; Straight, Charley [Komposition] ; Stur, Rastislav [Komposition] ; Warren, Harry [Komposition] ; Whiteman, Paul [Komposition] ; Williams, Spencer [Komposition] ; Woods, Harry M. [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Art Kahn Orchestra ; Bucktown Five ; Chicago Blues Dance Orchestra ; Merritt Brunies Friars Inn Orchestra ; Midway Dance Orchestra ; Original Memphis Melody Boys ; Stomp Six
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Retrieval, 2010
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: There's No Gal Like My Gal 00:03:03 -- Wonderful Dream 00:02:46 -- Blue Grass Blues 00:02:55 -- Mada a Monkey Out of Me 00:02:49 -- Blue Grass Blues 00:02:57 -- House of David Blues 00:02:55 -- Bit by Bit You're Breaking my Heart 00:02:53 -- Sobbin' Blues 00:02:59 -- Lots O' Mama 00:03:20 -- Black Sheep Blues 00:02:55 -- Cotton Picker's Ball 00:02:55 -- Black Sheep Blues 00:02:59 -- Black Sheep Blues 00:02:59 -- Lots O' Mama 00:02:56 -- Sobbin' Blues 00:03:03 -- Buddy's Habit 00:03:19 -- Bahama 00:03:01 -- Blue Evening Blues 00:03:16 -- Up Jumped the Devil 00:02:57 -- Follow the Swallow 00:02:43 -- Angry 00:02:52 -- (I Don't Know Why) I Weep Over You 00:02:26 -- Flag that train (to Alabam) 00:02:44 -- Clarinet Marmalade 00:02:25 -- Sugar Foot Stomp 00:02:34 -- Want a Little Lovin' 00:03:00 -- She's Got 'Em 00:02:42 -- Up Jumped the Devil 00:02:49 -- I'm as Blue as the Blue Grass of Kentucky 00:02:42 -- When Autumn Leaves are Falling 00:02:49 -- Flamin' Mamie 00:02:51 -- Hangin' Around 00:03:14 -- Up Jumped the Devil 00:02:45 -- Masculine Women - Feminine Men 00:03:20 -- Someone's Stolen My Sweet, Sweet Baby 00:03:20 -- Steady Roll Blues 00:02:40 -- Steady Roll Blues 00:02:32 -- Mobile Blues 00:02:19 -- Really a Pain 00:02:44 -- Really a Pain 00:02:44 -- Chicago Blues 00:02:30 -- Hot Mittens 00:02:48 -- Hot Mittens 00:02:49 -- Buddy's Habit 00:02:24 -- Buddy's Habit 00:02:21 -- Someday, Sweetheart 00:03:03 -- Why Couldn't It Be Poor Little Me? 00:02:27 -- Everybody Loves My Baby 00:02:52 --
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