When I'm Cleaning Windows (1932-1946)

- Titel: When I'm Cleaning Windows (1932-1946) / FORMBY, George. Alleyn, Leslie, Komponist -- Campbell-Hunter, Roma, Komponist -- Cliffe, Fred E., Komponist -- Cottrell, Jack, Komponist -- Cunningham, Ian, Komponist -- Debroy Somers Orchestra, Orchester -- Formby, George, Komponist -- Formby, Beryl, Gesang -- Franklin, Dave, Komponist -- Fred Hartley Orchestra, Orchester -- Friend, Cliff, Komponist -- Gay, Noel, Komponist -- George Scott Wood Orchestra, Orchester -- Gifford, Harry, Komponist -- Godfrey, Dichter/Text -- Haines, Will E., Komponist -- Harper, Jimmy, Komponist -- Hughes, Jimmy, Komponist -- Jack Hylton Orchestra, Orchester -- Lake, Frank, Komponist -- Latta, Eddie, Dichter/Text -- Long, John P., Komponist -- MacDougal, Roger, Komponist -- Parr-Davies, Harry, Dichter/Text -- Stanley, Ralph, Gesang -- Studio orchestra, Orchester -- Towers, Wallace, Komponist
- Person(en): Alleyn, Leslie [Komposition] ; Campbell-Hunter, Roma [Komposition] ; Cliffe, Fred E. [Komposition] ; Cottrell, Jack [Komposition] ; Cunningham, Ian [Komposition] ; Formby, George [Komposition] ; Franklin, Dave [Komposition] ; Friend, Cliff [Komposition] ; Gay, Noel [Komposition] ; Gifford, Harry [Komposition] ; Haines, Will E. [Komposition] ; Harper, Jimmy [Komposition] ; Hughes, Jimmy [Komposition] ; Lake, Frank [Komposition] ; Long, John P. [Komposition] ; MacDougal, Roger [Komposition] ; Towers, Wallace [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Debroy Somers Orchestra ; Fred Hartley Orchestra ; George Scott Wood Orchestra ; Jack Hylton Orchestra ; Studio orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Retrospective, 2008
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: When I'm Cleaning Windows / Formby, George 00:02:52 -- Boots! Boots / Formby, George 00:02:20 -- Boots! Boots: Why Don't Women Like Me?; Sitting On The Ice In The Ice Rink / Formby, George 00:06:12 -- With My Little Ukulele In My Hand / Formby, George 00:03:02 -- Swimmin' With The Wimmin' / Formby, George 00:03:07 -- It's No Use Looking At Me / Formby, George 00:02:53 -- Fanlight Fanny / Formby, George 00:02:58 -- We All Share and Share Alike / Formby, George 00:02:44 -- Pleasure Cruise / Formby, George 00:02:48 -- The Isle Of Man / Formby, George 00:02:43 -- Riding in the TT Races / Formby, George 00:03:01 -- Oh Dear, Mother / Formby, George 00:02:53 -- With my lipstick of Blackpool rock / Formby, George 00:03:04 -- Hindoo Man / Formby, George 00:03:01 -- The Lancashire Toreador / Formby, George 00:03:06 -- My Plus Fours / Formby, George 00:02:59 -- Easy Going Chap / Formby, George 00:02:56 -- I Don't Like / Formby, George 00:02:42 -- Leaning on a Lamp Post / Formby, George 00:02:59 -- Hi-Tiddly-Hi-Ti Island / Formby, George 00:02:24 -- You Can't Stop Me From Dreaming / Formby, George 00:03:03 -- Like The Big Pots Do / Formby, George 00:02:39 -- I Blew A Little Blast On My Whistle / Formby, George 00:03:17 -- Springtime's Here Again / Formby, George 00:02:57 -- Noughts And Crosses / Formby, George 00:03:16 -- In my little snapshot album / Formby, George 00:02:31 -- Our Sergeant Major / Formby, George 00:02:43 -- They Can't Fool Me / Formby, George 00:02:41 -- It's in the air / Formby, George 00:02:43 -- I wonder who's under her balcony now / Formby, George 00:02:57 -- Hill Billy Willie / Formby, George 00:03:00 -- It's Turned Out Nice Again / Formby, George 00:02:52 -- Hitting the High Spots Now / Formby, George 00:02:31 -- It's a grand and healthy life / Formby, George 00:03:00 -- I'm Making Headway Now / Formby, George 00:02:51 -- I Couldn't Let The Stable Down / Formby, George 00:02:33 -- Lancashire Hot Pot Swingers / Formby, George 00:03:17 -- Grandad's Flannelette Nightshirt / Formby, George 00:03:04 -- Mr. Wu's A Window Cleaner Now / Formby, George 00:02:42 -- Count Your Blessing And Smile / Formby, George 00:02:45 -- Oh! Don't The Wind Blow Cold / Formby, George 00:03:02 -- On The Wigan Boat Express / Formby, George 00:03:03 -- On The Beat / Formby, George 00:03:16 -- Bless 'Em All / Formby, George 00:02:59 -- I Wish I Was Back On The Farm / Formby, George 00:02:38 -- Delivering The Morning Milk / Formby, George 00:02:51 -- Auntie Maggie's Remedy / Formby, George 00:03:20 -- You're Everything To Me / Formby, George 00:03:31 -- Andy The Handy Man / Formby, George 00:02:46 -- You Don't Need A License For That / Formby, George 00:03:12 -- It Could Be / Formby, George 00:02:44 --
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