Young Man with a Horn (1924-1930)

- Titel: Young Man with a Horn (1924-1930) / BEIDERBECKE, Bix. Barris, Harry, Komponist -- Beiderbecke, Bix, Komponist -- Bernard, Felix, Komponist -- Bix Beiderbecke Gang, Ensemble -- Bix Beiderbecke Rhythm Jugglers, Ensemble -- Black, Johnny S., Komponist -- Bloom, Rube, Komponist -- Broadway Bellhops, Ensemble -- Carmichael, Hoagy, Komponist -- Collins, Monte, Dichter/Text -- Conrad, Con, Komponist -- Crosby, Bing, Gesang -- Davis, Charles, Komponist -- Delaney, Tom, Komponist -- Donaldson, Walter, Komponist -- Dyson, Hal, Komponist -- Edwards, Eddie, Komponist -- Frankie Trumbauer Orchestra, Orchester -- Fulcher, Charles, Komponist -- Gorrell, Stuart, Dichter/Text -- Green, Eddie, Komponist -- Green, George, Komponist -- Heywood, Donald, Komponist -- Hoagy Carmichael Orchestra, Orchester -- Irving Mills Hotsy Totsy Gang, Ensemble -- Ja La Rocca, Dominic, Komponist -- Jean Goldkette Orchestra, Orchester -- Johnson, Jimmy C., Komponist -- Jordan, Joe, Komponist -- Kern, Jerome, Komponist -- LaRocca, Nick, Komponist -- Layton, Turner, Komponist -- Livingston, Joseph A., Komponist -- Ludwig, Ray, Komponist -- Manone, Wingy, Gesang -- Matlock, Matty, Komponist -- McHugh, Jimmy, Komponist -- McPhail, Lindsay, Komponist -- Mole, Miff, Komponist -- Morehouse, Chauncey, Komponist -- Paul Whiteman Orchestra, Orchester -- Quicksell, Howard, Komponist -- Ragas, Henry, Komponist -- Razaf, Andy, Dichter/Text -- Robinson, J. Russell, Komponist -- Robison, Willard, Komponist -- Rodgers, Richard, Komponist -- Sbarbaro, Larry, Komponist -- Sbarbaro, Tony, Komponist -- Shafer, Robert, Gesang -- Shields, Larry, Komponist -- Sioux City Six, The, Ensemble -- Tram, Bix and Lang, Ensemble -- Trumbauer, Frankie, Komponist -- Voynow, Dick, Dichter/Text -- Waller, Fats, Komponist -- Warren, Harry, Komponist -- Williams, Clarence, Komponist -- Williams, Spencer, Komponist -- Wolverine Orchestra, Orchester -- Wood, Leo, Komponist
- Person(en): Barris, Harry [Komposition] ; Beiderbecke, Bix [Komposition] ; Bernard, Felix [Komposition] ; Black, Johnny S. [Komposition] ; Bloom, Rube [Komposition] ; Carmichael, Hoagy [Komposition] ; Conrad, Con [Komposition] ; Davis, Charles [Komposition] ; Delaney, Tom [Komposition] ; Donaldson, Walter [Komposition] ; Dyson, Hal [Komposition] ; Edwards, Eddie [Komposition] ; Fulcher, Charles [Komposition] ; Green, Eddie [Komposition] ; Green, George [Komposition] ; Heywood, Donald [Komposition] ; Ja La Rocca, Dominic [Komposition] ; Johnson, Jimmy C. [Komposition] ; Jordan, Joe [Komposition] ; Kern, Jerome [Komposition] ; LaRocca, Nick [Komposition] ; Layton, Turner [Komposition] ; Livingston, Joseph A. [Komposition] ; Ludwig, Ray [Komposition] ; Matlock, Matty [Komposition] ; McHugh, Jimmy [Komposition] ; McPhail, Lindsay [Komposition] ; Mole, Miff [Komposition] ; Morehouse, Chauncey [Komposition] ; Quicksell, Howard [Komposition] ; Ragas, Henry [Komposition] ; Robinson, J. Russell [Komposition] ; Robison, Willard [Komposition] ; Rodgers, Richard [Komposition] ; Sbarbaro, Larry [Komposition] ; Sbarbaro, Tony [Komposition] ; Shields, Larry [Komposition] ; Trumbauer, Frankie [Komposition] ; Waller, Fats [Komposition] ; Warren, Harry [Komposition] ; Williams, Clarence [Komposition] ; Williams, Spencer [Komposition] ; Wood, Leo [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Bix Beiderbecke Gang ; Bix Beiderbecke Rhythm Jugglers ; Broadway Bellhops ; Frankie Trumbauer Orchestra ; Hoagy Carmichael Orchestra ; Irving Mills Hotsy Totsy Gang ; Jean Goldkette Orchestra ; Paul Whiteman Orchestra ; Sioux City Six, The ; Tram, Bix and Lang ; Wolverine Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Retrospective, 2010
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Singin' The Blues 00:03:01 -- Fidgety Feet 00:02:23 -- Oh Baby (Don't Say No, Say Maybe) 00:02:15 -- Copenhagen 00:02:28 -- Tiger Rag 00:02:33 -- Sensation Rag 00:02:37 -- Flock o' Blues 00:02:43 -- Davenport Blues 00:02:48 -- My Pretty Girl 00:02:39 -- Clarinet Marmalade 00:03:10 -- Ostrich Walk 00:03:08 -- Lazy River 00:03:11 -- I'm Coming Virginia 00:03:11 -- Strut Miss Lizzle 00:02:52 -- For No Reason at All C-dur 00:03:03 -- 3 Blind Mice 00:03:03 -- In a Mist (Bixology) 00:02:42 -- Clementine from New Orleans 00:03:00 -- Wringin' An' Twistin' 00:02:57 -- Humpty Dumpty 00:03:03 -- Krazy Kat (Tone Poem In Slow Rhythm) 00:03:02 -- Baltimore 00:03:01 -- There Ain't No Land like Dixieland to Me 00:03:03 -- At the Jazz Band Ball 00:02:55 -- Royal Garden Blues 00:03:05 -- Jazz Me Blues 00:03:07 -- Sorry 00:02:56 -- Goose Pimples 00:03:19 -- Since My Best Gal Turned Me Down 00:03:07 -- Cryin' All Day 00:03:05 -- A Good Man Is Hard To Find 00:03:04 -- Changes (arr. B. Challis) 00:02:53 -- Lonely Melody (arr. B. Challis) 00:02:54 -- There'll Come a Time, Wait and See 00:02:56 -- San (arr. B. Challis) 00:03:20 -- Mississippi Mud 00:03:10 -- Dardanella (arr. B. Challis) 00:03:03 -- From Monday On (arr. M. Matlock) 00:03:01 -- Borneo 00:03:10 -- Somebody Stole My Gal 00:02:57 -- A Connecticut Yankee 00:02:45 -- Louisiana (arr. B. Challis) 00:02:59 -- 'T'ain't So, Honey, 'T'ain't So (arr. B. Challis) 00:02:46 -- Show Boat 00:03:05 -- Wa-Da-Da (Everybody's Doin' It Now) 00:03:02 -- Rhythm King 00:03:23 -- Margie 00:02:57 -- Baby, Won't You Please Come Home? 00:02:58 -- Loved One 00:02:57 -- Deep Harlem 00:03:03 -- Pardon My Gun: Deep Down South 00:02:59 -- Georgia On My Mind 00:03:09 --
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