Petite Fleur (1923-1953)

- Titel: Petite Fleur (1923-1953) / BECHET, Sidney. Allen, Lewis, Komponist -- Armstrong, Lillian Hardin, Komponist -- Armstrong, Louis, Komponist -- Barris, Harry, Komponist -- Bechet, Sidney, Komponist -- Bechet-Nicholas Blue Five, Ensemble -- Bechet-Spanier Big Four, Ensemble -- Bigard, Barney, Komponist -- Boutelje, Phil, Komponist -- Bowman, Euday L., Komponist -- Brooks, Harry, Komponist -- Bunk Johnson and Sidney Bechet's Band, Ensemble -- Burwell, Cliff, Komponist -- Chicha, Friscoe Lou, Komponist -- Clarence Williams Blue Five, Ensemble -- Clarke, H. Quail, Komponist -- Claude Luter Orchestra, Orchester -- Conrad, Con, Komponist -- Cook, Doc, Komponist -- Ellington, Duke, Komponist -- Gay, Byron, Komponist -- Gershwin, George, Komponist -- Handy, William Christopher, Komponist -- Hellman, Marco H., Komponist -- Henderson, Ray, Komponist -- Herbert, Victor, Komponist -- Heywood, Donald, Komponist -- Hines, Earl, Komponist -- Humphrey Lyttelton Band, Ensemble -- Jelly Roll Morton New Orleans Jazzmen, Ensemble -- Johnson, Clarence, Schlagzeug -- Joplin, Scott, Komponist -- Jordan, Joe, Komponist -- Ladnier, Tommy, Trompete -- Layton, Turner, Komponist -- Louis Armstrong Orchestra, Orchester -- Luter, Claude, Komponist -- Lyttelton, Humphrey, Trompete -- Mares, Paul, Komponist -- Matthews, Artie, Komponist -- Melrose, Walter, Dichter/Text -- Mezzrow, Mezz, Komponist -- Mezzrow-Bechet Quintet, Ensemble -- Mills, Irving, Dichter/Text -- Morton, Jelly Roll, Komponist -- Muse, Clarence, Komponist -- New Orleans Feetwarmers, Ensemble -- Noble Sissle Orchestra, Orchester -- Noble Sissle Swingsters, Ensemble -- Rappolo, Leon, Komponist -- Reid, John, Komponist -- Rene, Leon, Komponist -- Rene, Otis, Komponist -- Robinson, J. Russell, Komponist -- Sidney Bechet All-Star Band, Ensemble -- Sidney Bechet Blue Note Jazz Men, Ensemble -- Sidney Bechet Feetwarmers, Ensemble -- Sidney Bechet New Orleans Feetwarmers, Ensemble -- Sidney Bechet One-Man Band, Ensemble -- Sidney Bechet Quartet, Ensemble -- Sidney Bechet Quintet, Ensemble -- Sidney Bechet Trio, Ensemble -- Snyder, Ted, Komponist -- Steele, Porter, Komponist -- Storyville Jazz, Ensemble -- Tommy Ladnier Orchestra, Orchester -- Varga, Tibor, Komponist -- Waller, Fats, Komponist -- Williams, Clarence, Komponist -- Williams, Spencer, Komponist -- Winfree, Dick, Komponist
- Person(en): Allen, Lewis [Komposition] ; Armstrong, Lillian Hardin [Komposition] ; Armstrong, Louis [Komposition] ; Barris, Harry [Komposition] ; Bechet, Sidney [Komposition] ; Bigard, Barney [Komposition] ; Boutelje, Phil [Komposition] ; Bowman, Euday L. [Komposition] ; Brooks, Harry [Komposition] ; Burwell, Cliff [Komposition] ; Chicha, Friscoe Lou [Komposition] ; Clarke, H. Quail [Komposition] ; Conrad, Con [Komposition] ; Cook, Doc [Komposition] ; Ellington, Duke [Komposition] ; Gay, Byron [Komposition] ; Gershwin, George [Komposition] ; Handy, William Christopher [Komposition] ; Hellman, Marco H. [Komposition] ; Henderson, Ray [Komposition] ; Herbert, Victor [Komposition] ; Heywood, Donald [Komposition] ; Hines, Earl [Komposition] ; Joplin, Scott [Komposition] ; Jordan, Joe [Komposition] ; Layton, Turner [Komposition] ; Luter, Claude [Komposition] ; Mares, Paul [Komposition] ; Matthews, Artie [Komposition] ; Mezzrow, Mezz [Komposition] ; Morton, Jelly Roll [Komposition] ; Muse, Clarence [Komposition] ; Rappolo, Leon [Komposition] ; Reid, John [Komposition] ; Rene, Leon [Komposition] ; Rene, Otis [Komposition] ; Robinson, J. Russell [Komposition] ; Snyder, Ted [Komposition] ; Steele, Porter [Komposition] ; Varga, Tibor [Komposition] ; Waller, Fats [Komposition] ; Williams, Clarence [Komposition] ; Williams, Spencer [Komposition] ; Winfree, Dick [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Bechet-Nicholas Blue Five ; Bechet-Spanier Big Four ; Bunk Johnson and Sidney Bechet's Band ; Clarence Williams Blue Five ; Claude Luter Orchestra ; Humphrey Lyttelton Band ; Jelly Roll Morton New Orleans Jazzmen ; Louis Armstrong Orchestra ; Mezzrow-Bechet Quintet ; New Orleans Feetwarmers ; Noble Sissle Orchestra ; Noble Sissle Swingsters ; Sidney Bechet All-Star Band ; Sidney Bechet Blue Note Jazz Men ; Sidney Bechet Feetwarmers ; Sidney Bechet New Orleans Feetwarmers ; Sidney Bechet One-Man Band ; Sidney Bechet Quartet ; Sidney Bechet Quintet ; Sidney Bechet Trio ; Storyville Jazz ; Tommy Ladnier Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Retrospective, 2020
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Petite fleur 00:03:09 -- Wild Cat Blues 00:02:58 -- Kansas City Man Blues 00:02:56 -- Sweetie Dear 00:02:48 -- Maple Leaf Rag 00:02:52 -- Dear Old Southland 00:02:32 -- Okey-Dokey 00:02:50 -- Blackstick 00:02:43 -- Really The Blues 00:03:35 -- Weary Blues 00:02:59 -- Porgy and Bess 00:04:06 -- High Society 00:02:47 -- Indian Summer 00:03:06 -- Sweet Lorraine 00:04:19 -- China Boy 00:03:49 -- Four Or Five Times 00:04:01 -- Perdido Street Blues 00:03:04 -- Shake It And Break It 00:02:37 -- Wild Man Blues 00:03:17 -- Old Man Blues 00:02:46 -- Caution Blues (Blues In Thirds) 00:02:54 -- Ain't Misbehavin 00:02:51 -- Egyptian Fantasy 00:02:59 -- The Sheik of Araby 00:02:08 -- When It's Sleepy Time Down South 00:03:00 -- I'm Coming Virginia 00:02:36 -- Strange Fruit 00:02:29 -- Blues in the Air 00:02:43 -- Twelfth Street Rag 00:02:58 -- Mood Indigo 00:03:09 -- After You've Gone 00:04:49 -- St. Louis Blues 00:04:46 -- Blue Horizon 00:04:25 -- Milenberg Joys 00:04:16 -- Days Beyond Recall 00:04:49 -- Out Of The Gallion 00:02:28 -- Blame It on the Blues 00:02:54 -- Old Stack O'Lee Blues 00:04:11 -- Buddy Bolden Stomp 00:02:44 -- Where Am I? 00:04:39 -- I've Found a New Baby 00:03:05 -- Wrap Your Troubles in Dreams 00:02:59 -- Margie 00:02:20 -- Black And Blue 00:02:22 -- Le marchand de poissons 00:02:43 -- Si tu vois ma mere 00:03:12 -- George White's Scandals of 1926 00:03:23 -- C Jam Blues 00:04:41 --
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