Good Time Was Had By All (A)

- Titel: Good Time Was Had By All (A) / DANISH RADIO BIG BAND. Armstrong, Lillian Hardin, Komponist -- Bergman, Marie, Gesang -- Bloom, Rube, Komponist -- Brookmeyer, Bob, Posaune -- Brown, Ray, Kontrabass -- Bruel, Birgit, Gesang -- Burke, Johnny, Dichter/Text -- Camilo, Michel, Komponist -- Clausen, Thomas, Komponist -- Coe, Tony, Komponist -- Coltrane, John, Komponist -- Danish Radio Big Band, Ensemble -- Danish Radio Jazz Orchestra, Orchester -- De Paul, Gene, Komponist -- Elias, Eliane, Komponist -- Ellington, Duke, Komponist -- Ellington, Mercer, Komponist -- Evans, Bill, Keyboard -- Fame, Georgie, Orgel -- Franck, Thomas, Komponist -- Fuller, Walter, Komponist -- Gabler, Milt, Komponist -- Gershwin, George, Komponist -- Gershwin, Ira, Dichter/Text -- Gilbert, Ray, Komponist -- Glindemann, Ib, Saxophon -- Hamilton, Arthur, Komponist -- Hawkins, Screamin' Jay, Komponist -- Holman, Bill, Komponist -- Jobim, Antônio Carlos, Komponist -- Johnston, Arthur, Komponist -- Jones, Thad, Komponist -- Jones, Leroy, Trompete -- Kenton, Stan, Klavier -- Kern, Jerome, Komponist -- Lecuona, Ernesto, Komponist -- Lewis, Paul, Dichter/Text -- Livingston, Jerry, Komponist -- Malta, Silvana, Gesang -- Marks, Gerald, Komponist -- McNeely, Jim, Komponist -- Mikkelborg, Palle, Trompete -- Moraes, Vinicius de, Dichter/Text -- Nilsson, Vincent, Posaune -- Pitts, Ray, Komponist -- Reim, Peter, Schlagwerk -- Reinau, Lise, Gesang -- Robison, Willard, Komponist -- Simons, Seymour, Komponist -- Solal, Martial, Klavier -- Strayhorn, Billy, Komponist -- Sund, John, Komponist -- Van Heusen, Jimmy, Komponist -- Webster, Ben, Komponist -- Wilkins, Emie, Saxophon -- Winther, Jens, Trompete -- Woods, Phil, Alt-Saxophon -- Young, Victor, Komponist -- Ørsted Pedersen, Niels-Henning, Kontrabass
- Person(en): Armstrong, Lillian Hardin [Komposition] ; Bloom, Rube [Komposition] ; Camilo, Michel [Komposition] ; Clausen, Thomas [Komposition] ; Coe, Tony [Komposition] ; Coltrane, John [Komposition] ; De Paul, Gene [Komposition] ; Elias, Eliane [Komposition] ; Ellington, Duke [Komposition] ; Ellington, Mercer [Komposition] ; Franck, Thomas [Komposition] ; Fuller, Walter [Komposition] ; Gabler, Milt [Komposition] ; Gershwin, George [Komposition] ; Gilbert, Ray [Komposition] ; Hamilton, Arthur [Komposition] ; Hawkins, Screamin' Jay [Komposition] ; Holman, Bill [Komposition] ; Jobim, Antônio Carlos [Komposition] ; Johnston, Arthur [Komposition] ; Jones, Thad [Komposition] ; Kern, Jerome [Komposition] ; Lecuona, Ernesto [Komposition] ; Livingston, Jerry [Komposition] ; Marks, Gerald [Komposition] ; McNeely, Jim [Komposition] ; Pitts, Ray [Komposition] ; Robison, Willard [Komposition] ; Simons, Seymour [Komposition] ; Strayhorn, Billy [Komposition] ; Sund, John [Komposition] ; Van Heusen, Jimmy [Komposition] ; Webster, Ben [Komposition] ; Young, Victor [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Danish Radio Big Band ; Danish Radio Jazz Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Storyville Records, 2015
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: It's the Talk of the Town 00:00:48 -- Ray's Idea 00:02:42 -- My Old Flame 00:04:39 -- Zoot 00:02:59 -- To Og To Er Fem 00:02:32 -- Andalucia, "Suite espagnola" 00:04:40 -- The Uninvited 00:06:08 -- St. Louis Blues 00:05:55 -- Things Ain't What They Used to Be (inst) 00:03:11 -- Cry Me a River 00:04:14 -- Stompy Jones 00:05:39 -- Did You Call Her Today 00:00:55 -- Old Folks 00:05:24 -- Tempus Incertum Remanet 00:07:36 -- Bojangles 00:04:17 -- Girl Crazy 00:03:51 -- Once I Loved 00:04:50 -- The Farewell 00:06:00 -- Kids Are Pretty People 00:09:24 -- Girl Crazy 00:03:49 -- Ebbe skammelsen 00:05:50 -- Dancing Girls 00:15:37 -- A Good Time Was Had by All 00:07:53 -- Say It 00:05:21 -- Malus Scorpio Ritus 00:08:47 -- Crackdown 00:08:20 -- Vismanden 00:07:27 -- Nervous Charlie 00:06:04 -- Day Dream 00:03:53 -- Dedicacion a Santo Domingo 00:08:12 -- I Put a Spell on You 00:03:38 -- City Life 00:07:18 -- Right On-Off 00:05:50 -- You Don't Know What Love Is 00:05:05 -- All of Me 00:03:30 -- But Beautiful 00:07:54 -- Capt. Coe's Famous Racearound 00:10:28 -- Fools Rush In 00:06:53 -- Was It You? 00:07:16 -- Once a Penguin, Always a Penguin 00:05:37 -- The Strange Voyage of Donald Crowhurst 00:12:12 -- Nights at the Circus 00:04:03 -- Just Kidding 00:07:30 -- So in Love 00:08:39 -- One Side of You 00:07:50 -- The Pathfinder 00:13:26 -- Dear Lord 00:08:08 -- Wild Bill 00:05:47 -- Tripple Metamorphosis 00:11:51 -- Suingando 00:06:07 -- Back to Brazil 00:07:39 -- In a Mellotone 00:06:04 -- New Orleans Suite 00:04:25 -- The Governor 00:19:39 -- Drjo No. 1 00:07:42 -- Monster Piece 00:07:21 -- En Coulisse 00:07:59 -- Time Remembered 00:05:42 -- Oktober Nat 00:08:58 -- Show-Type Tune 00:09:41 -- Stone Forest 00:07:26 -- Those Who Build 00:07:23 -- My God and My All: No. 4. Joy 00:05:38 -- Hotter Than That 00:09:09 -- The Power and the Glory 00:13:25 -- Why Not? 00:11:47 --
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