
- Titel: offBEAT / MARTIN, Claire. Berlin, Irving, Komponist -- Bernstein, Leonard, Komponist -- Brown, Lew, Dichter/Text -- Coleman, Cy, Komponist -- Comden, Betty, Komponist -- Frank, Michael, Komponist -- Green, Adolph, Komponist -- Kerr, Anthony, Komponist -- Lane, Burton, Komponist -- Lerner, Alan Jay, Dichter/Text -- Lipton, James, Dichter/Text -- Martin, Claire, Gesang -- Newton, David, Komponist -- Nightingale, Mark, Posaune -- Nyro, Laura, Komponist -- Pober, Leon, Komponist -- Reid, Billy, Komponist -- Siegel, Joel, Dichter/Text -- Simon, Paul, Komponist -- Snow, Phoebe, Gesang -- Somogyi, Arnie, Kontrabass -- Stept, Sam, Komponist -- Taylor, Martin, Gitarre -- Tobias, Charles, Dichter/Text -- Tracey, Clark, Schlagzeug -- Wonder, Stevie, Komponist
- Person(en): Berlin, Irving [Komposition] ; Bernstein, Leonard [Komposition] ; Coleman, Cy [Komposition] ; Comden, Betty [Komposition] ; Frank, Michael [Komposition] ; Green, Adolph [Komposition] ; Kerr, Anthony [Komposition] ; Lane, Burton [Komposition] ; Newton, David [Komposition] ; Nyro, Laura [Komposition] ; Pober, Leon [Komposition] ; Reid, Billy [Komposition] ; Simon, Paul [Komposition] ; Stept, Sam [Komposition] ; Wonder, Stevie [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Linn Records, 2014
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Off Beat 00:02:03 -- Buy and Sell 00:06:00 -- On a Clear Day You Can See Forever: Come Back to Me (arr. C. Martin and G. Williams) 00:03:40 -- I'll Close My Eyes 00:06:27 -- Monk's New Tune 00:03:49 -- I Do It For Your Love 00:05:24 -- Worth The Wait 00:04:17 -- Wishful Thinking 00:05:12 -- Comes Love 00:03:56 -- Encounter: Would You Believe? (arr. C. Martin and G. Williams) 00:06:29 -- Lost In His Arms 00:07:04 -- Something Real 00:04:21 -- Make Sure You're Sure 00:05:17 -- On the Town: Some Other Time (arr. C. Martin and G. Williams) 00:04:43 --
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