MUSIC FOR MOTORING - Great Tunes for a Day in the Country (Torch)

- Titel: MUSIC FOR MOTORING - Great Tunes for a Day in the Country (Torch). Adler, Larry, Harmonika -- Arodin, Sidney, Dichter/Text -- Benson, Ivy, Saxophon -- Blane, Ralph, Dichter/Text -- Butler, Ralph, Komponist -- Carmichael, Hoagy, Komponist -- Cochrane, Joyce, Komponist -- Crosby, Bing, Gesang -- Dacre, Harry, Komponist -- Drake, Milton, Komponist -- Drake, Alfred, Gesang -- Fields, Gracie, Gesang -- Franklin, Dave, Komponist -- Friend, Cliff, Komponist -- Garland, Judy, Gesang -- Gay, Noel, Komponist -- Gaynor, Charles, Dichter/Text -- Gibbons, Carroll -- Hammerstein II, Oscar, Dichter/Text -- Hanmer, Ronald, Komponist -- Hassall, Christopher, Dichter/Text -- Hoffman, Al, Komponist -- Holmes, Jack, Komponist -- Holmes, Salty, Komponist -- Holmes, Leslie, Gesang -- Hulbert, Jack, Gesang -- Hutch, Gesang -- Ivy Benson Girls' Band, Ensemble -- Lawrence, Lee, Gesang -- Leach, Jimmy, Komponist -- Lewis, Jimmy, Kontrabass -- Livingston, Jerry, Komponist -- Loesser, Frank, Komponist -- Martin, Hugh, Komponist -- Mayne, Martin, Komponist -- Mercer, Johnny, Dichter/Text -- Mills Brothers, The, Ensemble -- New Century Chamber Orchestra, Orchester -- Parr-Davies, Harry, Dichter/Text -- Queen's Hall Light Orchestra, Orchester -- Ralton, Harry, Komponist -- Reid, Billy, Komponist -- Rodgers, Richard, Komponist -- Roza, Lita, Gesang -- Schertzinger, Victor, Komponist -- Shelton, Anne, Gesang -- Torch, Sidney -- Warren, Harry, Komponist
- Person(en): Butler, Ralph [Komposition] ; Carmichael, Hoagy [Komposition] ; Cochrane, Joyce [Komposition] ; Dacre, Harry [Komposition] ; Drake, Milton [Komposition] ; Franklin, Dave [Komposition] ; Friend, Cliff [Komposition] ; Gay, Noel [Komposition] ; Hanmer, Ronald [Komposition] ; Hoffman, Al [Komposition] ; Holmes, Jack [Komposition] ; Holmes, Salty [Komposition] ; Leach, Jimmy [Komposition] ; Livingston, Jerry [Komposition] ; Loesser, Frank [Komposition] ; Martin, Hugh [Komposition] ; Mayne, Martin [Komposition] ; Ralton, Harry [Komposition] ; Reid, Billy [Komposition] ; Rodgers, Richard [Komposition] ; Schertzinger, Victor [Komposition] ; Warren, Harry [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Ivy Benson Girls' Band ; Mills Brothers, The ; New Century Chamber Orchestra ; Queen's Hall Light Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: The Gift of Music, 2004
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: 19 Ungarische Rhapsodien, S242/R105: Nr. 6 in Des-Dur 00:03:05 -- Daisy Bell 00:04:55 -- The sun has got his hat on 00:02:57 -- Lazy River 00:02:46 -- Oklahoma! 00:03:16 -- Mobile pursuit 00:01:13 -- I Remember the Cornfields 00:03:20 -- Dear Miss Phoebe 00:02:41 -- Paddle Boat 00:02:43 -- Mairzy Doats and Doazy Doats 00:03:25 -- 19 Ungarische Rhapsodien, S244/R105: Nr. 7 in d-moll 00:02:59 -- 19 Ungarische Rhapsodien, S244/R105: Nr. 8 in fis-moll 00:02:57 -- 19 Ungarische Rhapsodien, S244/R105: Nr. 9 in Es-Dur, "Pesther Karneval" 00:03:21 -- Who's Bee Polishing the Sun 00:03:11 -- Sing As We Go 00:02:36 -- The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down 00:03:21 -- A Tree in the Meadow 00:03:13 -- I Found My Mama 00:02:47 -- Rhythm on the Range 00:02:45 -- There's A Cabin in the Sky 00:03:04 -- The Blacksmith Blues 00:02:38 --
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