Satch As Such

- Titel: Satch As Such / ASPLUND, Peter. Albin, Helge, Komponist -- Alter, Louis, Komponist -- Andersson, Hans, akustische Bassgitarre -- Asplund, Peter, Flügelhorn -- Dougherty, Doc, Komponist -- Green, Johnny, Komponist -- Herman, Jerry, Komponist -- Karlzon, Jacob, Komponist -- Lange, Eddie De, Dichter/Text -- McHugh, Jimmy, Komponist -- Muse, Clarence, Komponist -- Oliver, Joe King, Komponist -- Peter Asplund Orchestra, Orchester -- Price, Magnum Coltrane, Komponist -- Rene, Leon, Komponist -- Reynolds, Ellis, Komponist -- Strandberg, Goran, Komponist -- Thiele, Bob, Komponist -- Waller, Fats, Komponist -- Weiss, George David, Dichter/Text
- Person(en): Albin, Helge [Komposition] ; Alter, Louis [Komposition] ; Dougherty, Doc [Komposition] ; Green, Johnny [Komposition] ; Herman, Jerry [Komposition] ; Karlzon, Jacob [Komposition] ; McHugh, Jimmy [Komposition] ; Muse, Clarence [Komposition] ; Oliver, Joe King [Komposition] ; Price, Magnum Coltrane [Komposition] ; Rene, Leon [Komposition] ; Reynolds, Ellis [Komposition] ; Strandberg, Goran [Komposition] ; Thiele, Bob [Komposition] ; Waller, Fats [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Peter Asplund Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Sittel Records, 2002
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Satch As Such 00:02:13 -- West End Blues (arr. M. Raberg) 00:10:03 -- I'm Confessin' (That I Love You) (arr. H. Albin) 00:07:14 -- Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans? (arr. G. Strandberg) 00:08:47 -- I Can't Give You Anything But Love (arr. S. Odenhall) 00:09:10 -- Connie's Hot Chocolates (arr. P. Asplund) 00:04:40 -- I Cover the Waterfront (arr. P. Aslund and M. Blom) 00:09:36 -- When It's Sleepy Time Down South (arr. B. Sylven) 00:07:18 -- Hello Dolly (arr. M. Blom) 00:07:27 -- What a Wonderful World (arr. J. Karlzon) 00:07:03 --
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