Time for Love (A)

- Titel: Time for Love (A) / BAUMANN, Agneta. Adair, Tom, Komponist -- Baumann, Agneta, Gesang -- Brandt, Alan, Komponist -- Burke, Johnny, Dichter/Text -- Cahn, Sammy, Dichter/Text -- Carmichael, Hoagy, Komponist -- Coleman, Cy, Komponist -- Comden, Betty, Komponist -- Dennis, Matt, Komponist -- Distel, Sacha, Komponist -- Eliscu, Edward, Dichter/Text -- Gadd, Per-Ola, Kontrabass -- Green, Adolph, Komponist -- Hallgren, Staffan, Komponist -- Hart, Lorenz, Dichter/Text -- Haymes, Bob, Komponist -- Leigh, Carolyn, Dichter/Text -- Lindskog, Anders, Tenor-Saxophon -- Magidson, Herb, Dichter/Text -- Mandel, Johnny, Komponist -- Mercer, Johnny, Dichter/Text -- Monnot, Marguerite, Komponist -- Orrje, Carl Fredrik, Klavier -- Parsons, Geoffrey Claremont, Dichter/Text -- Philippe-Gerard, M., Komponist -- Reardon, Jack, Komponist -- Rodgers, Richard, Komponist -- Rose, Billy, Dichter/Text -- Stark, Bengt, Schlagzeug -- Styne, Jule, Komponist -- Thompson, Jane Brown, Dichter/Text -- Van Heusen, Jimmy, Komponist -- Vannier, Angele, Dichter/Text -- Webster, Paul Francis, Komponist -- Wrubel, Allie, Komponist -- Youmans, Vincent, Komponist
- Person(en): Adair, Tom [Komposition] ; Brandt, Alan [Komposition] ; Carmichael, Hoagy [Komposition] ; Coleman, Cy [Komposition] ; Comden, Betty [Komposition] ; Dennis, Matt [Komposition] ; Distel, Sacha [Komposition] ; Green, Adolph [Komposition] ; Hallgren, Staffan [Komposition] ; Haymes, Bob [Komposition] ; Mandel, Johnny [Komposition] ; Monnot, Marguerite [Komposition] ; Philippe-Gerard, M. [Komposition] ; Reardon, Jack [Komposition] ; Rodgers, Richard [Komposition] ; Styne, Jule [Komposition] ; Van Heusen, Jimmy [Komposition] ; Webster, Paul Francis [Komposition] ; Wrubel, Allie [Komposition] ; Youmans, Vincent [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Touche Music, 2024
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: A Time for Love / Hallgren, Staffan 00:05:30 -- I Get Along Without You Very Well / Hallgren, Staffan 00:02:50 -- Ich liebe dich (from Hjertets melodier, Op. 5) / Hallgren, Staffan 00:05:11 -- Carnival in Flanders / Hallgren, Staffan 00:04:37 -- Berceuse in Des-Dur, Op. 57 / Hallgren, Staffan 00:06:55 -- If You Love Me (Really Love Me) / Hallgren, Staffan 00:03:53 -- The Good Life / Hallgren, Staffan 00:04:26 -- When the World Was Young / Hallgren, Staffan 00:03:18 -- I Fall in Love Too Easily / Hallgren, Staffan 00:05:28 -- I'm Afraid the Masquerade Is Over / Hallgren, Staffan 00:03:55 -- The Party's Over / Hallgren, Staffan 00:03:26 -- Everything Happens to Me / Hallgren, Staffan 00:05:51 -- All My Tomorrows / Hallgren, Staffan 00:06:08 -- The Best Is yet to Come / Hallgren, Staffan 00:02:38 -- That's All / Hallgren, Staffan 00:04:58 --
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