Bird In Time (1940-1947)

- Titel: Bird In Time (1940-1947) / PARKER, Charlie. Barry Ulanov All Star Metronome Jazzmen, Ensemble -- Basie, Count, Komponist -- Berlin, Irving, Komponist -- Best, Denzil, Komponist -- Broiles, Mel, Trompete -- Brown, Ray, Kontrabass -- Bunn, Jimmy, Klavier -- Byas, Don, Tenor-Saxophon -- Carter, Benny, Komponist -- Casey, Al, Gitarre -- Catlett, Sid, Schlagzeug -- Charlie Parker Quintet, Ensemble -- Charlie Parker Sextet, Ensemble -- Clarke, Kenny, Komponist -- Clyde Hart All-Stars, Ensemble -- Cole, Nat King, Komponist -- Coleman, Earl, Komponist -- Cootie Williams Orchestra, Orchester -- Dameron, Tadd, Komponist -- Davis, Jimmy, Komponist -- Dizzy Gillespie's Rebop Six, Ensemble -- Eckstine, Billy, Komponist -- Edwards, Teddy, Tenor-Saxophon -- Ellington, Duke, Komponist -- Farmer, Addison, Bass-Gitarre -- Fishkind, Arnold, Komponist -- Freeman, Russ, Komponist -- Gardner, Andrew "Goon", Alt-Saxophon -- Garrison, Arvin Charles, Gitarre -- Gershwin, George, Komponist -- Gillespie, Dizzy, Trompete -- Goodman, Benny, Komponist -- Gordon, Mack, Dichter/Text -- Green, John, Komponist -- Green, Johnny, Komponist -- Haig, Al, Klavier -- Hall, Edmond, Klarinette -- Handy, George, Komponist -- Handy, William Christopher, Komponist -- Hawes, Hampton, Klavier -- Hawkins, Coleman, Tenor-Saxophon -- Henry, Shifty, Kontrabass -- Higginbotham, Irene, Komponist -- Hines, Earl, Komponist -- Jackson, Milt, Vibraphon -- Jay McShann Orchestra, Orchester -- Kansas City Band, Ensemble -- Kellette, John, Komponist -- Kesterson, Robert, Kontrabass -- Levey, Stan, Schlagzeug -- McGhee, Howard, Komponist -- McHugh, Jimmy, Komponist -- McShann, Jay, Komponist -- Miller, Johnny, Kontrabass -- Monk, Thelonious, Komponist -- Moore, Oscar, Gitarre -- Moten, Bennie, Komponist -- Moten, Buster, Komponist -- Noble, Ray, Komponist -- Oliver, Sy, Komponist -- Parker, Charlie, Komponist -- Pettiford, Oscar, Komponist -- Phillips, Little Phil, Schlagzeug -- Pinkard, Maceo, Komponist -- Porter, Roy, Schlagzeug -- Pratt, Jimmy, Schlagzeug -- Profit, Clarence, Komponist -- Ramey, Hurley, Gitarre -- Ramirez, Roger, Komponist -- Redcross, Bob, Schlagzeug -- Reid, Billy, Komponist -- Rich, Buddy, Schlagzeug -- Roach, Max, Komponist -- Romberg, Sigmund, Komponist -- Russell, Curley, Kontrabass -- Sampson, Edgar, Komponist -- Scott, William, Komponist -- Scott, Hazel, Klavier -- Sherman, Jimmy, Komponist -- Smith, Pinetop, Komponist -- Smith, Willie, Schlagzeug -- Stearns, Marshall, Erzähler -- Studio ensemble, Ensemble -- Swift, Kay, Komponist -- Tatum, Art, Klavier -- Tizol, Juan, Komponist -- Vinson, Eddie "Cleanhead", Komponist -- Waller, Fats, Komponist -- Ware, Efferge, Gitarre -- Warren, Harry, Komponist -- Webster, Paul Francis, Komponist -- Williams, Cootie, Komponist -- Williams, Mary Lou, Komponist -- Williams, Henry Rubberlegs, Erzähler -- Wilson, Shadow, Schlagzeug -- Youmans, Vincent, Komponist
- Person(en): Basie, Count [Komposition] ; Berlin, Irving [Komposition] ; Best, Denzil [Komposition] ; Carter, Benny [Komposition] ; Clarke, Kenny [Komposition] ; Cole, Nat King [Komposition] ; Coleman, Earl [Komposition] ; Dameron, Tadd [Komposition] ; Davis, Jimmy [Komposition] ; Eckstine, Billy [Komposition] ; Ellington, Duke [Komposition] ; Fishkind, Arnold [Komposition] ; Freeman, Russ [Komposition] ; Gershwin, George [Komposition] ; Goodman, Benny [Komposition] ; Green, John [Komposition] ; Green, Johnny [Komposition] ; Handy, George [Komposition] ; Handy, William Christopher [Komposition] ; Higginbotham, Irene [Komposition] ; Hines, Earl [Komposition] ; Kellette, John [Komposition] ; McGhee, Howard [Komposition] ; McHugh, Jimmy [Komposition] ; McShann, Jay [Komposition] ; Monk, Thelonious [Komposition] ; Moten, Bennie [Komposition] ; Moten, Buster [Komposition] ; Noble, Ray [Komposition] ; Oliver, Sy [Komposition] ; Parker, Charlie [Komposition] ; Pettiford, Oscar [Komposition] ; Pinkard, Maceo [Komposition] ; Profit, Clarence [Komposition] ; Ramirez, Roger [Komposition] ; Reid, Billy [Komposition] ; Roach, Max [Komposition] ; Romberg, Sigmund [Komposition] ; Sampson, Edgar [Komposition] ; Scott, William [Komposition] ; Sherman, Jimmy [Komposition] ; Smith, Pinetop [Komposition] ; Swift, Kay [Komposition] ; Tizol, Juan [Komposition] ; Vinson, Eddie "Cleanhead" [Komposition] ; Waller, Fats [Komposition] ; Warren, Harry [Komposition] ; Webster, Paul Francis [Komposition] ; Williams, Cootie [Komposition] ; Williams, Mary Lou [Komposition] ; Youmans, Vincent [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Barry Ulanov All Star Metronome Jazzmen ; Charlie Parker Quintet ; Charlie Parker Sextet ; Clyde Hart All-Stars ; Cootie Williams Orchestra ; Dizzy Gillespie's Rebop Six ; Jay McShann Orchestra ; Kansas City Band ; Studio ensemble
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: ESP-Disk, 2008
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Charlie Parker Interview: Remembers Family / High School Band / Early Gigs 1 / Early Gigs 2 00:08:40 -- Variations - Honeysuckle Rose - Body and Soul 00:03:05 -- Girl Crazy: Embraceable You 00:03:38 -- I've Found A New Baby 00:03:00 -- Body And Soul 00:02:52 -- Moten Swing 00:02:49 -- Coquette 00:03:11 -- Lady, Be Good!: The Man I Love 00:02:57 -- Wichita Blues 00:03:11 -- Honeysuckle Rose 00:02:59 -- Max Roach Interview: Meeting Bird / Cherokee, 1943 00:02:08 -- Cherokee 00:02:50 -- St. Louis Mood 00:04:42 -- I Got It Bad And That Ain't Good 00:04:00 -- I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles 00:04:03 -- Hootie Blues 00:04:36 -- Swingmatism 00:04:02 -- Love Don't Get You Nothing (But the Blues) 00:00:29 -- Cherokee 00:03:10 -- My Heart Tells Me (Should I Believe My Heart?) 00:03:18 -- I've Found A New Baby 00:03:31 -- Body And Soul 00:01:39 -- Sweet Georgia Brown 00:02:37 -- Girl Crazy: Embraceable You 00:04:14 -- Max Roach Interview: Musicians Coming To New York 00:02:32 -- Boogie Woogie 00:03:37 -- Shoe Shine Swing 00:04:14 -- Body And Soul 00:01:52 -- Girl Crazy: Embraceable You 00:02:41 -- Charlie Parker Interview: Rubberlegs Williams 00:00:49 -- That's The Blues 00:03:13 -- Charlie Parker Interview: Clyde Hart All-Stars 00:00:40 -- Dream of You 00:02:55 -- 7th Avenue 00:02:56 -- Charlie Parker Speaks: The Earl Hines / Billy Eckstine Bands 00:00:47 -- Charlie Parker Speaks: The Song Mop Mop 00:00:14 -- Mop Mop 00:00:31 -- 'Round About Midnight 00:00:20 -- Roll 'em 00:03:10 -- Cootie Williams Speaks: Introduction 00:00:12 -- Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me 00:03:02 -- Don't Blame Me 00:03:58 -- Perdido 00:04:06 -- Night Cap 00:04:50 -- Saturday Night 00:03:20 -- MC Announcement [1] 00:00:04 -- Floogie Boo 00:03:52 -- MC Announcement [2] 00:00:20 -- St. Louis Blues 00:01:53 -- Max Roach Speaks: Diz Introduces Bird to New York 00:01:01 -- Sweet Georgia Brown 00:03:20 -- Lover Come Back To Me 00:03:29 -- Teddy Edwards Speaks - West Coast Music Scene 00:03:45 -- Intro [ESP4050] 00:01:20 -- Shaw 'Nuff 00:04:11 -- MC Announcement [ESP4050, Disc 3: track 4] 00:00:23 -- Groovin' High 00:05:39 -- MC Announcement [ESP4050, Disc 3: track 6] 00:00:25 -- Dizzy Atmosphere 00:04:25 -- Milt Jackson Speaks - West Coast Music Scene mid '40's 00:00:35 -- Salt Peanuts 00:02:05 -- Diggin' Diz 00:02:52 -- Roy Porter Speaks - The West Coast Club Scene 1 00:02:02 -- Teddy Edwards Speaks - Charlie Parker Playing with Maggie 00:01:13 -- Howard McGhee Discusses his History 00:05:08 -- Jam Session - Announcement 00:01:21 -- No, No, Nanette: Tea for Two 00:02:46 -- Body And Soul 00:02:39 -- Cherokee 00:03:04 -- Teddy Edwards Speaks - Maggie / Charlie's First Dial Date 00:02:02 -- Roy Porter Speaks - First Dial Session 00:02:45 -- Roy Porter Speaks - Second Dial Session 00:00:41 -- Lover Man (Oh, Where Can You Be?) 00:03:21 -- Chance It 00:02:32 -- The Gypsy 00:03:04 -- Be-Bop 00:02:55 -- Roy Porter Speaks - Second Dial Session (cont'd) 00:01:48 -- Teddy Edwards Speaks - After Charlie Parker's Collapse 00:02:48 -- Howard McGhee Remembers Charlie Parker 00:00:52 -- Lullaby In Rhythm 00:01:30 -- Lullaby In Rhythm 00:01:32 -- Home Cooking: I. Lullaby In Rhythm; II. Cherokee; III. I Got Rhythm 00:05:22 -- Earl Coleman Speaks - This Is Always / Dark Shadows Part 1 00:01:31 -- This Is Always 00:01:31 -- Dark Shadows 00:04:03 -- Earl Coleman Speaks This Is Always / Dark Shadows Part 2 00:01:49 -- Roy Porter Speaks the Hi-De-Ho Club 00:00:27 -- Dee Dee's Dance 00:03:50 -- Roy Porter Speaks - Maggie Plays at Fast Tempos 00:01:59 -- Earl Coleman Speaks - Maggie 00:04:28 -- Milt Jackson Speaks - Meeting Maggie 00:00:57 -- Introduction - Koko 00:01:13 -- Hot House 00:05:13 -- Fine And Dandy 00:00:00 -- Introduction to Koko 00:01:09 -- On The Sunny Side Of The Street 00:04:43 -- How Deep Is The Ocean 00:03:01 -- Tiger Rag 00:03:48 -- 52nd Street Theme: Theme; Introduction 00:03:06 -- Donna Lee 00:02:25 -- Theme: Koko 00:06:21 --
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