
- Titel: CHRONICLE - THEIR GREATEST STAX HITS / RUFUS THOMAS / CARLA THOMAS. Banks, Homer, Komponist -- Crutcher, Bettye Jean, Komponist -- Davis, Don, Komponist -- Floyd, Eddie, Komponist -- Hayes, Isaac, Komponist -- Jackson, Raymond, Komponist -- Macdermot, Galt, Komponist -- Marks, Rose, Komponist -- Porter, David, Komponist -- Rado, James, Dichter/Text -- Ragni, Gerome, Dichter/Text -- Rice, Mack, Komponist -- Thomas, Carla, Gesang -- Thomas, Rufus, Gesang -- Ward, Billy, Komponist
- Person(en): Banks, Homer [Komposition] ; Crutcher, Bettye Jean [Komposition] ; Davis, Don [Komposition] ; Floyd, Eddie [Komposition] ; Hayes, Isaac [Komposition] ; Jackson, Raymond [Komposition] ; Macdermot, Galt [Komposition] ; Marks, Rose [Komposition] ; Porter, David [Komposition] ; Rice, Mack [Komposition] ; Ward, Billy [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Fantasy, 2024
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Do the Funky Chicken 00:03:18 -- Sixty Minute Man 00:04:31 -- The Preacher and the Bear 00:03:53 -- (Do the) Push and Pull 00:02:20 -- The World Is Round 00:03:59 -- The Breakdown 00:03:20 -- Do the Funky Penguin 00:03:12 -- Where Do I Go 00:02:23 -- I've Fallen In Love 00:02:43 -- I Like What You're Doing (to Me) 00:02:55 -- Guide Me Well 00:04:15 -- You've Got a Cushion to Fall On 00:03:07 -- (Do the) Push and Pull 00:02:49 -- The Breakdown 00:03:12 -- Sugar 00:04:13 --
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