
- Titel: THE LAST GOODUN' / JACK MCDUFF. Ammons, Gene, Komponist -- Benson, George, Gitarre -- Cooper, Buster, Posaune -- Davis, Charles, Komponist -- Diehl, Eddie, Gitarre -- Donaldson, Bobby, Schlagzeug -- Dukes, Joe, Schlagzeug -- Gales, Larry, Kontrabass -- Glover, Henry, Komponist -- Holloway, Red, Komponist -- Jennings, Bill, Komponist -- Joe, Montego, Conga -- Marshall, Wendell, Kontrabass -- McDuff, Jack, Komponist -- Mitchell, Blue, Komponist -- Porter, Cole, Komponist -- Reed, Cleve, Komponist -- Turner, Danny, Saxophon -- Vick, Harold, Komponist -- Warren, Earl, Alt-Saxophon
- Person(en): Ammons, Gene [Komposition] ; Davis, Charles [Komposition] ; Glover, Henry [Komposition] ; Holloway, Red [Komposition] ; Jennings, Bill [Komposition] ; McDuff, Jack [Komposition] ; Mitchell, Blue [Komposition] ; Porter, Cole [Komposition] ; Reed, Cleve [Komposition] ; Vick, Harold [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Fantasy, 2024
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Your Nose Is Open / McDuff, Jack 00:08:15 -- The Last Goodun' / McDuff, Jack 00:06:49 -- Scram / McDuff, Jack 00:07:39 -- Dink's Dream / McDuff, Jack 00:03:48 -- Groanin' / McDuff, Jack 00:08:12 -- Hey Lawdy Mama / McDuff, Jack 00:04:46 -- Drown in My Own Tears / McDuff, Jack 00:03:09 -- Ballad for Baby / McDuff, Jack 00:06:14 -- 9:20 Special / McDuff, Jack 00:03:16 -- It's Alvin Again / McDuff, Jack 00:03:54 -- Rhapsody In Blue / McDuff, Jack 00:04:54 -- What's Shakin' / McDuff, Jack 00:02:44 -- The Morning Song / McDuff, Jack 00:03:59 -- Twelve Inches Wide / McDuff, Jack 00:08:08 --
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