Fire of love# (Chester)

- Titel: Fire of love : songs for voice, lute and viola da gamba / ed. and trabscribed by Carl Shavitz
- Person(en): Shavitz, Carl ; Campion, Thomas ; Danyel, John ; Dowland, John ; Handford, George ; Ferrabosco, Alfonso ; Jones, Robert
- Sprache: Deutsch
- Originalsprache: Deutsch
- Umfang: 32 S.
- Erschienen: London : Chester, c 1980
- ISBN/Preis: DM 90,00
- Bestellnummer: Best.Nr.: JWC 55290
- Schlagwörter: Griffschrift, Tabulatur [Noten]
- Anmerkungen: enth. Werke von: Thomas Campion: Faire if you expect admiring ; Fire, loe here I burne ; Beauty is but a painted hell ; John Danyel: Dost thou withdraw thy grace ; John Dowland: Come away ; George Handford: Come, come sweet fire ; Robert Jones: My love is neither yoong nor old ; Alfonso Ferrabosco:So beautie on the waters stood
- Signatur: MUSIK und TANZ > Noten
- not 13.13
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