Three decades of rhythm & blues classics
- Titel: Three decades of rhythm & blues classics : 60's, 70's, 80's
- Sprache: Englisch
- Originalsprache: Englisch
- Umfang: 151 S.
- Erschienen: Woodford Green : IMP, c 1997
- ISBN/Preis: DM 52,00
- Bestellnummer: Best.-Nr.: 5202A
- Anmerkungen: [enth.:] All at once, Always and forever, B-A-B-Y, Baby come to me, Born under a bad sign, Cheaper to keep her, (Sittin' on) the dock of a bay, Green onions, Hold on I'm coming, I can't stand the rain, (If loving you is wrong) I don't want to be right, I thank you, If ever you're in my arms again, In the midnight hour, I'll never love this way again, I'll take you there, I've been loving you too long, Knock on wood, Lady in my life, Let's stay together, Miss you like crazy, Mr. Pitiful, No night so long, On the wings of love, One in a million you, Private dancer, Private number, Respect, Respect yourself, 634-5789, Soul man, Take me to the river, Theme from Shaft, These arms of mine, Thriller, Tired of being alone, Touch a hand make a friend, Walkin' the dog, When something is wrong with my baby, Who's making love, Winding winding road, You don't know like I know
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