Ballads# for Flute Band + 1 CD
- Titel: Ballads : Playalong for Flute ; ten beautiful ballads / in melody line arrangements by Jack Long with specially recoreded backing tracks
- Reihe: Guest Spot
- Person(en): Long, Jack
- Sprache: Deutsch
- Originalsprache: Deutsch
- Umfang: 31 S. + 1 Compact Disc
- Erschienen: London : Wise, c 1997
- ISBN/Preis: 0-7119-6260-X : EUR 29.50
- Bestellnummer: Best.Nr.: Music Sales AM 941798
- Anmerkungen: enth.: Bridge over troubles water ; Candle in the wind ; Everything I do I do it for you ; Imagine ; Killing me softly Nights in white satin ; One day I'll fly away ; The wind beneath my wings ; Without you ; Wonderful tonight
- Signatur: MUSIK und TANZ > Noten
- not 52.23
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MUSIK und TANZ > Noten
not 52.23
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