The best of Earth, Wind and Fire
- Titel: The best of Earth, Wind and Fire
- Organisation(en): Earth, Wind & Fire
- Sprache: Englisch
- Originalsprache: Englisch
- Umfang: 87 S.
- Erschienen: Milwaukee : Hal Leonard, c1988
- ISBN/Preis: 0-7935-3323-6 : EUR 34.00
- Bestellnummer: Best.-Nr.: HL00356792
- Anmerkungen: enth.: After the love has gone, Boogie wonderland, Can't hide love, Devotion, Fantasy, Getaway, Got to get you into my life, In the stone, Let's groove, Mighty mighty, Reasons, September, Serpentine fire, Shining star, Sing a song, System of survival, That's the way of the world, Thinking of you
- Signatur: MUSIK und TANZ > Noten
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