- Titel: Aocaná / Ojos de Brujo
- Organisation(en): Ojos de Brujo
- Sprache: Spanisch
- Originalsprache: Spanisch
- Umfang: 1 CD + Beih.
- Erschienen: Bonn : Galileo, 2009
- ISBN/Preis: EUR : 16,00
- Bestellnummer: 913466 (Diquela)
- Anmerkungen: Texte abgedr.
- Signatur: MUSIK und TANZ > Rock / Pop / Jazz CDs
- muc O 5-1 OJOS Spanien
Inhalt: Neues Album der spanischen Band, die gekonnt Flamenco, Pop und Gypsy-Klänge verbindet. "an intoxicating rainbow of flamenco, rumba, jazz, rap, reggae and funk, topped with anti-establishment, libertarian lyrics written in the main by the mesmerising singer and rapper, Marina Abad. On 'Aocana' ... Ojos de Brujo ("eyes of the wizard") present more of these trademark cross-cultural mash ups alongside a clutch of finely wrought and exquisitely pretty ballads and romances, balancing turbulence with new degrees of tenderness. It's a winning combination ... which includes 24 guest singers and instrumentalists in addition to Cuban quintet Los Van Van and drummers from India's Karnataka College of Percussion ... this superbly crafted studio set is a jewel. Ole, Ojos de Brujo!" (
Altona 0/1
MUSIK und TANZ > Rock / Pop / Jazz CDs
muc O 5-1 OJOS Spanien
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