150 photographic projects for art students
- Titel: 150 photographic projects for art students / John Easterby
- Person(en): Easterby, John
- Sprache: Englisch
- Originalsprache: Englisch
- Umfang: 128 S. : zahlr. Ill.
- Erschienen: London : A&C Black, 2010
- ISBN/Preis: 978-1-408-12383-6 kart. : EUR 18,60
- Schlagwörter: Photographie ; Visualisierung ; Bildband
- Anmerkungen: This book presents 150 projects to help student photographers and art students develop their photographic skills. The book particularly focuses on helping students develop their own visual language, personal style and how to express themselves clearly and with confidence. There is also guidance in preparing portfolios. The result is a clear, highly illustrated guide to helping students become better photographers.
- Signatur: UNTERHALTUNG und KREATIVITÄT > Kunst und Fotografie
- Wgk 0 150•/21 Englisch Wgk 0
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