Tales from the realm ot fhe Queen of Pentacles
- Titel: Tales from the realm ot fhe Queen of Pentacles / Suzanne Vega
- Person(en): Vega, Suzanne
- Sprache: Englisch
- Originalsprache: Englisch
- Umfang: 1 CD + Beih.
- Erschienen: s.l. : Cooking Vinyl, 2014
- EAN, ISMN/Preis: 0711297510027 : EUR 14.00
- Schlagwörter: Singer, Songwriter / CD
- Anmerkungen: Enth.: Crack in the wall. Fool's complaint. I never wear white. Portrait of the knight of wands. Don't uncork what you can't contain. Jacob and the angel. Silver bridge. Song of the stoic. Laying on of hands / Stoic 2. Horizon (There is a road)
- Signatur: MUSIK und TANZ > Rock / Pop / Jazz CDs
- muc R 2 VEGA Rock, Pop
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MUSIK und TANZ > Rock / Pop / Jazz CDs
muc R 2 VEGA
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MUSIK und TANZ > Rock / Pop / Jazz CDs
muc R 2 VEGA Rock, Pop
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