Thick as thieves


Costello, Matthew

Inhalt: Two Cherringham locals, roaming a farm with metal detectors, discover an amazing treasure, a silver Roman plate worth millions. They must share the reward with both the farmer and the owner of the land, the formidable Lady Repton, but there will be plenty for everyone. That night, while the village pubs do a roaring trade, archaeologist Professor Peregrine Cartwright offers to keep the plate safe in his massive wall safe. But when the British Museum expert arrives to verify the find next morning, the safe is empty! Police blame a notorious gang of art thieves operating in the county. But Jack and Sarah have other suspicions. Matthew Costello's award-winning work across all media has meshed story, gameplay and technology. Neil Richards has worked as a producer and writer in TV and film creating scripts for the likes of BBC, Disney, Channel 4 and earning numerous BAFTA nominations along the way. Digital orig. Ed.