That's Gospel# Band + 1 CD (Peters, Przystaniak)
- Titel: That's Gospel : new Gospel Songs and traditional spirituals ; for mixed choir (with solo voice) and piano / composed and arr. by Peter Przystaniak
- Person(en): Przystaniak, Peter
- Sprache: Englisch
- Originalsprache: Englisch
- Umfang: 131 S. + 1 CD
- Erschienen: Leipzig : Peters, 2015
- EAN, ISMN/Preis: 9790014116545 EUR 24.95
- Bestellnummer: EP 11 399
- Schlagwörter: Gospelsong [Noten] ; Spiritual [Noten]
- Anmerkungen: Viele Arrangements für Solostimme u. Chor ; CD ohne Playback enth.: Traditionals: Go Down, Moses. O Happy Day. Joshua fit the Battle of Jericho. Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Down by the Riverside. P. Przystantiak: To Him. Joy to You. Have a Talk with God. His Name is God. Post from Heaven. Under Heaven
- Signatur: MUSIK und TANZ > Noten
- not 18.35 [Gospels, Spirituals]
Zentralbibliothek 0/1
MUSIK und TANZ > Noten
not 18.35 [Gospels, Spirituals]
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