Downton Abbey - the ultimate collection
- Titel: Downton Abbey - the ultimate collection
- Person(en): Lunn,John
- Sprache: Deutsch
- Originalsprache: Deutsch
- Umfang: 2 CD + Beil. in Box
- Erschienen: Berlin : Universal Music Vertrieb, 2015
- EAN, ISMN/Preis: 0602547697349 : EUR 18.99
- Bestellnummer: 4769734 (Decca)
- Anmerkungen: Enth.: Downton Abbey - The Suite (2015 Version/ From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). Story Of My Life (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). Love And The Hunter (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). Preparation (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). Such Good Luck (2015 version / From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). Did I Make The Most Of Loving You (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). Damaged (2015 version/ From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). Violet (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). I'll Count The Days (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). Fashion (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). Us And Them (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). The Fallen (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). Elopement (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). New World (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). A Dangerous Path (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). Escapades 1 (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). A Glimpse Of Happiness (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). A Grand Adventure (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). Duneagle (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). Not One's Just Desserts (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). Life After Death (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). Marmalade Cake Walk (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). A Mother's Love (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). The Hunt (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). Nothing Will Be Easy (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). Down In China Townton (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). Escapades 2 (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). Brancaster (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). Goodbye (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). It's Not Goodbye It's Au Revoir (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). The New Gladiators (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). Modern Love (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). Ambassador Stomp (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). The Butler And The Housekeeper (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). Two Sisters (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack). End Of An Era (From "Downton Abbey" Soundtrack).
- Signatur: MUSIK und TANZ > Soundtracks
- muc D 2 Soundtrack Film DOWN
Inhalt: Musik aus der britischen TV-Serie über das Leben auf dem Familiensitz von Graf und Gräfin von Grantham in Yorkshire in den ersten Jahrzehnten des 20. Jahrhunderts. Die Serie überzeugt durch große Detailtreue und auch die Filmmusik passt sich hier bestens ein. Der Sampler enthält Stücke aus verschiedenen Folgen. 'Der bekannte britische Komponist John Lunn ist der Mann hinter der Magie. Seine Musik zaubert die perfekte Atmosphäre für die Geschehnisse und Dramen der aristokratischen Familie und deren Bediensteten. Zusammen mir dem 'Chamber Orchester of London' entstanden eindrucksvolle Aufnahmen, die bereits eine Emmy-Nominierung erhielten' (Pressetext).
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