Moody Bitches


Holland, Julie

Inhalt: A groundbreaking health guide for women of all ages that shows women's inherent moodiness is a strength, not a weakness, and medication is not always the answer Women are leaders, breadwinners, and caregivers. We're leaning in so much we're about to fall over. To take the edge off, many women pop a pill, eat something sugary, have a drink, or spend mindless time online. These activities quickly become patterns that take an enormous toll on women's bodies and natural hormonal balance. Women are made to be moody and, according to Dr. Holland, that's a strength--not a weakness. Our culture tells us otherwise, but when used properly, moodiness is power. By design, our hormones ebb and flow over a twenty-eight-day cycle and wax and wane over decades of fertility. Women are naturally emotional and empathetic because of these fluctuations and our evolutionary role as caretakers. Our moods govern our reproductive cycle, but they are also a smart...