The Success Energy, Resilience, Part 5

- Titel: The Success Energy, Resilience, Part 5 : Change for a Better Future/ / Directed by Joohyun Kim. Chang-hyun Jeon, Wendy Taylor
- Reihe: The Success Energy
- Person(en): Jeon, Chang-hyun ; Taylor, Wendy
- Ausgabe: Unabridged
- Sprache: Englisch
- Originalsprache: Englisch
- Erschienen: Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do : Mantrip, 2014
- Schlagwörter: Instructional
- Link(s):
- Anmerkungen: Unabridged
Inhalt: We cannot change or control the environment but if we accept changes in a positive way, a much more powerful ability to control is created. Learning how to adopt to changes is like having a weapon to wisely deal with any kind of hardships in like. You will learn more about how to positively accept change for a better future. Change always makes small and big differences. There is no change that doesn't create a difference. Those who cope well with the changes can calmly continue their ordinary lives, and accept changes with positive energy. Resilient people adapt well in changes and will ultimately succeed in their lives.
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