A Sky of Spells


Rice, Morgan

Inhalt: In A SKY OF SPELLS (BOOK #9 IN THE SORCERER'S RING), Thorgrin finally returns to himself and must confront his father once and for all. An epic battle occurs, as two titans face each other, and as Rafi uses his power to summon an army of undead. With the Destiny Sword destroyed, and the fate of the Ring in the balance, Argon and Alistair will need to summon their magical powers to help Gwendolyn's brave warriors. Yet even with their help, all could be lost if it were not for a dramatic twist.Luanda struggles to prevail against her captor, Romulus, as the fate of the Shield hangs in the balance. Reece, meanwhile, struggles to lead his men back up the Canyon walls, with Selese's help, and their love deepens. Gwendolyn has her chance for personal vengeance against McCloud, there is great cause to celebrate as the Ring takes vengeance against the Empire. As the new Queen of the Ring, Gwen uses her powers to attempt the difficult task of uniting both MacGils and McClouds for the...