Cycle of Lies


Macur, Juliet

Inhalt: Cycle of Lies by New York Times reporter Juliet Macur is the definitive account of the rise and fall of the most famous athlete of our generation, Lance Armstrong, through unprecedented access to the key players in his life, and the investigation into the allegations of systemic doping. Relying on previously unpublished documents, Cycle of Lies reveals how Armstrong managed to perpetuate his myth for so long, the fortress he built to protect his image and upend anyone who got in his way, and why he fell so quickly.Spanning 14 critical years in Armstrong's cycling career, Cycle of Lies: The Fall of Lance Armstrong covers his comeback from cancer, to the business deals that would make him a millionaire many times over, until the moment he stepped down as the chairman of his Livestrong charity. The story features key characters such as disgraced Tour de France champion Floyd Landis; Armstrong teammate George Hincapie; and Kristin Richard,...