Frank Zappa - road tapes / Venue # 2. Helskinki, Finland

- Titel: Frank Zappa - road tapes
- Teil: Helskinki, Finland ; Venue # 2.
- Sprache: Englisch
- Originalsprache: Englisch
- Umfang: 2 CDs + 1 Blatt
- Erschienen: Berlin : Universal Music Group International, 2013, ℗ 2013
- EAN, ISMN/Preis: 0824302013120 : EUR 18.99
- Bestellnummer: 0201312
- Schlagwörter: CD
- Link(s):
- Anmerkungen: Enthält: Introcious. The Eric Dolphy memorial barbeque. Kung Fu. Penguin in bondage. Exercise #4. Dog breath. The dog breath variations. Uncle Meat. RDNZL. Montana. Your teeth and your shoulders and sometimes your foot goes like this.../Pojama prelude. Dupree's paradise. All skate/Dun-dun-dun (The Finnish Hit-Single). Village of the sun. Echidna's arf (of you). Don't you ever wash that thing? Bis swifty. Farther O'Blivion. Brown shoes don't make it
- Signatur: MUSIK und TANZ > Rock / Pop / Jazz CDs
- muc R 2 ZAPP
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MUSIK und TANZ > Rock / Pop / Jazz CDs
muc R 2 ZAPP
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