The Mercy

- Titel: The Mercy / Jóhann Jóhannsson. Jóhann Jóhannsson (Klavier, Keyboard, Synthesizer, Electronics, Celeste, Programmierung, Orgel); Rutger Hoedemaekers (Synthesizer, Keyboard, Programmierung, Electronics); Ólafur Björn Ólafsson (Perkussion, Keyboard, Celeste); Alex Somers (Keyboard); Thomas Bloch (Cristal Baschet, Ondes Martenot); Brian Crosby (Klavier), Hildur Guðnadóttir (Violoncello); Guðni Franzson (Klarinette); Una Sveinbjarnadóttir (Violine); Greta Guðnadóttir (Violine); Þórunn Ósk Marinósdóttir (Viola); Hrafnkell Orri Egilsson (Violoncello); Matthias M. D. Hemstock (Perkussion);
- Person(en): Jóhann Jóhannsson [Komposition] ; Weeden, Anthony [Dirigent*in] ; Pejtsik, Peter [Dirigent*in]
- Ausgabe: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
- Originalsprache: Englisch
- Umfang: 1 CD (58:24 min) + 1 Booklet
- Erschienen: Berlin : Deutsche Grammophon GmbH, ℗2018
- EAN, ISMN/Preis: 0028947983033 : EUR 15.90
- Bestellnummer: 479 8303
- Schlagwörter: Filmmusik / CD ; Soundtrack / CD
- Anmerkungen: Enthält: Jóhann Jóhannsson (1969-2018) - Flares. Boating For Beginners. The Good Ship Teignmouth Electron (from Orphée). A Sparrow Alighted Upon Our Shoulder. Terra Firma. Into The Wide And Deep Unknown (fro Orphée). Good Morning, Midnight. A Sea Without Shores. Karen bìr til engil (from Englabörn). Innocence (from free the Mind). The Doldrums. Meditation (from Free the Mind). The Horse Latitudes. Radio (from Free the Mind). The Furious Sea Of Fogs And Squalls. Three Thousand Five Hundred And Ninety One Benches (from Copenhagen Dreams). The Captain's Log. The Mercy. She Loves To Ride The Port Ferry When It Rains (from Copenhagen Dreams). The Radiant City (from Orphée). A Pile Of Dust (from Orphée). At 1941'10.40 North 7952'37.83 West, Lies The Shadow.
- Signatur: MUSIK und TANZ > Soundtracks
- muc D 2 Soundtrack Film MERC
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MUSIK und TANZ > Soundtracks
muc D 2 Soundtrack Film MERC
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MUSIK und TANZ > Soundtracks
muc D 2 Soundtrack Film MERC
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