The Beatles
- Titel: The Beatles : a step-by-step breakdown of the Band's guitar styles and techniques ; Audio Access included / by Wolf Marshall
- Person(en): Marshall, Wolf [Verfasser*in, Arrangement, Zusatztext]
- Organisation(en): The Beatles <Musikgruppe> [Komposition] ; Hal Leonard Corporation [Herausgebendes Organ]
- Sprache: Englisch
- Originalsprache: Englisch
- Umfang: 1 Partitur (95 Seiten)
- Erschienen: Milwaukee, WI : Hal Leonard, ?2020
- ISBN/Preis: 978-1-5400-5973-4 Broschur : EUR 29.50
- Bestellnummer: HL00298845
- Anmerkungen: Enthält: All My Loving. And I Love Her. And Your Bird Can Sing. Back In The U.S.S.R. Can't Buy Me Love. Come Together. Day Tripper. Drive My Car. The End. Get Back. A Hard Day's Night. Helter Skelter. Hey Bulldog. I Feel Fine. I Want You (She's So Heavy). Let It Be. Michelle. Nowhere Man. Paperback Writer. Revolution. She's A Woman. Something. Taxman. Ticket To Ride. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
- Signatur: MUSIK und TANZ > Noten
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