锦衣卫(Jinyiwei Guard)



  • Titel: 锦衣卫(Jinyiwei Guard) / 非天夜翔
  • Person(en): 非天夜翔
  • Sprache: Chinesisch
  • Originalsprache: Chinesisch
  • Umfang: 1 online resource
  • Erschienen: Beijing : 崇文书局出版社, 2016
  • ISBN/Preis: 9787540337049 (electronic bk)
  • Schlagwörter: Fiction ; Historical Fiction ; Romance ; Electronic books
  • Anmerkungen: Title from eBook information screen. Requires OverDrive Read (file size: N/A KB) or Adobe Digital Editions (file size: 586 KB).

Inhalt: 大明洪武年间﬌盛世江山初定。朱元璋南巡﬌西湖万顷碧波﬌张士诚遗部策划了一起刺杀案﬌幸而有徐达后人徐云起与塞外遗族孤儿拓跋锋救驾﬌积战功升任仪鸾叨正副使﬌一场席卷朝堂与江湖的旷世大战即将拉开序幕……洪武、建文、永乐三朝更追﬌靖难之役开始﬌北平硝烟弥漫﬌李景隆五十万大军崩溃﬌徐云起与拓跋锋辗转中原﬌待得金陵平定之日﬌朱棣登埪﬌天子守国门﬌君主死社稷。拓跋锋与徐云起再次面審暗流汹涌的朝堂﬌最终繁华落尽﬌归隐塞外﬌一生轰轰烈烈﬌犹如白驹过隙﬌锦绣江山﬌换回大漠纵歌驰马﬌手足情深﬌相伴终生。 ﬈ During Hongwu period of Ming Dynasty, flourishing age and country are just settled. Zhu Yuanzhang performs southern tour, and West Lake has vast expanse of water. Remaining troop of Zhang Shicheng planned an assassination, and thanks to rescue by successor of Xu Da, Xu Yunqi, and Tuo Bafeng, orphan of descendants beyond the Great Wall, they accumulate battle achievement and are prompted to Director and Vice Director of Imperial Regalia Office. Prelude of an epic war involving dynasty and all corners of the country will be pulled open. Dynasty of Hongwu, Jianwen, Yongle changes, Jingnan Campaign starts, and Peiping is filled by battlefield smoke. 0.5 million troop of Li Jinglong is collapsed, Xu Yunqi and Tuo Bafeng toss around Central Plains, and at the date when Nanjing is pacified, Zhu Di ascends the thr