Inspector French and the Starvel Hollow Tragedy (Inspector French Mystery)
- Titel: Inspector French and the Starvel Hollow Tragedy (Inspector French Mystery) / Freeman Wills Crofts. Narrator: Phil Fox
- Reihe: Inspector French Mystery
- Person(en): Crofts, Freeman Wills ; Fox, Phil
- Ausgabe: Unabridged
- Sprache: Englisch
- Originalsprache: Englisch
- Umfang: 1 online resource (10 audio files) : digital 09:13:24
- Erschienen: Glasgow : HarperCollins, 2017
- ISBN/Preis: 9780008190668 (sound recording)
- Schlagwörter: Fiction ; Classic Literature ; Mystery ; Electronic books
- Link(s): Ausleihe hier Excerpt
- Anmerkungen: Unabridged Requires OverDrive Listen (file size: N/A KB) or OverDrive app (file size: 259439 KB).
Inhalt: From the Collins Crime Club archive, the third Inspector French novel by Freeman Wills Crofts, once dubbed 'The King of Detective Story Writers'. THREE CORPSES FOR INSPECTOR FRENCH A chance invitation from friends saves Ruth Averill's life on the night her uncle's old house in Starvel Hollow is consumed by fire, killing him and incinerating the fortune he kept in cash. Dismissed at the inquest as a tragic accident, the case is closed – until Scotland Yard is alerted to the circulation of bank-notes supposedly destroyed in the inferno. Inspector Joseph French suspects that dark deeds were done in the Hollow that night and begins to uncover a brutal crime involving arson, murder and body snatching . . .
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