Grey Gardens

- Titel: Grey Gardens / Directed by David Maysles, Albert Maysles, Ellen Hovde, Muffie Meyer, Susan Froemke
- Person(en): Maysles, Albert [Regie] ; Maysles, David [Regie]
- Produktion: USA 1976
- Sprache: Englisch. Englische Originalfassung. Untertitel: Englisch für Hörbehinderte
- Originalsprache: Englisch
- Umfang: 1 Blu-ray Disc (94 min) : Ton (uncompressed mono), farbig ; Vollbild (1,33:1) + 1 Beiheft
- Erschienen: Großbritannien : The Criterion Collection, 2016
- EAN, ISMN/Preis: 5050629040418 : EUR 15.90
- FSK/USK: FSK: Keine Angabe/Lektorat: ab 12
- Dokumentarfilm GREY
Inhalt: Special features: The Beales of Grey Gardens, the 2006 sequel to the film (Blu-ray); Audio commentary for Grey Gardens, featuring Maysles and codirectors Ellen Hovde and Muffie Meyer, along with associate producer Susan Froemke; Introduction to The Beales of Grey Gardens by Maysles; Audio excerpts from a 1976 interview with Little Edie Beale, conducted by Kathryn G. Graham; Interviews with fashion designers Todd Oldham and John Bartlett on the continuing influence of Grey Gardens; Behind-the-scenes photographs; Trailers.
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